How should Pakistan respond to Obama’s Afghanistan plan?

How should Pakistan respond to Obama’s Afghanistan plan? invites its readers to debate current affairs in this forum.

On Friday, US President Barack Obama unveiled a new strategy for the war in Afghanistan. This time, the US is planning on having a way out. The strategy relies on more US forces on the ground, an expansion of Kabul’s security forces, cooperation with ‘reconcilable‘ insurgents in both Afghanistan and Pakistan, and a significant boost in civilian aid on both sides of the Durand Line (Pakistan will receive US$ 1.5 billion annually over five years). There is also a push toward a regional approach to the conflict in Afghanistan. Senator John Kerry, for example, is advocating for the involvement of China, Iran, and India. For his part, President Obama also hopes to involve the Gulf States and Russia.

As the beneficiary of increased US aid, Pakistan is expected to facilitate the new US strategy on Afghanistan. But the country finds itself in a tricky position: even while Pakistani intelligence officials help the US identify terrorist targets for Predator attacks, US government officials are accusing the ISI of supporting the Taliban.

What should Pakistan do with regards to the new strategy in Afghanistan? How can the government balance cooperation with the US and other regional partners in the war against terror while protecting and prioritizing Pakistan’s interests? Are Afghanistan’s problems Pakistan’s problems too?


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183 Responses to “How should Pakistan respond to Obama’s Afghanistan plan?”

  1. Yasmin Haider says:

    The role of Pakistan in Obama´s war ist comparable to a sweeper. The annual aid to Pakistan (1.5 billion USD) is nothing but peanuts.In the Western media (specially in Germany) Pakistan only associated with Taliban, Terrorism, Islamic fundamentalism, fanatic Mullahs, Madassahs etc. In Pakistan die daily 20 – 50 people due to attacks, but the media hardly reports such incidents. India is associated with a liberal democracy, which is actually a plain lie. In India the Hundu fanatics are also makeing the lives of the Muslims unbearable. But Pakistan has a bad image and our embassy staff incompetent.

  2. neel123 says:

    There are Four interests inter-playing in the region, which needs to be resolved :

    1. The US has the following objectives :
    a) To retain the services of Pakistani army and ISI, for its future gameplans in the region.
    b) To cultivate India as a new partner, and to ensure that India would not go against the US in future conflicts.
    c) To consolidate its foot-hold in the region, to have leverage on China and Russia.

    2. China has a huge stake in the conflict :
    a) to keep the US bleeding and darining in billions of dollars
    b) To do all it can to prevent India’s rise on the world scene

    3. Pakistan is the proxy of China in the region. It’s objectives are ;
    a) To keep terrorism alive, in order to be able to milk the US for billions of dollars, as long as they can.
    b) To continue the proxy war against India, on behalf of the Chinese, in order to resist India’s emergence as an economic and military power.

    4. India does not want any war with Pakistan, and or any conflict with China. But since it has no options but to respond to the Paki provocations, Indian strategy is to pay Pakistan back in the same coin, by sponsoring terrorists against it.

    Conclusion :

    Pakistan holds the key for peace in the region, but it is controlled by the Chinese.
    The American can not succeed unless it is able to break the Pak-China nexus, by pressuring Pakistan and engineering terrorism within the muslims of China.

  3. Abdul Samad Qureshi says:

    Pakistan has been the center of all terrorist activities for a long time now. We have outdone the Tamil Tigers and the Palestinians. This all started due to our role in the Afghan war and the prominence give to the militants during that time. These same militants, after having defeated the Soviets, thought that it was now time to take on the other big power in the world. They forgot that had it not been for the support from this other big power, they would never have been able to defeat the Soviets. After their “victory” over the Soviets they continued to train fighters in their “terror camps”. Most of them were located in Afghanistan but some defenitely in Pakistan as well. What can be more damning than the fact that people from around the world who wanted to get trained in terrorism, visit either Pakistan or Afghanistan. They do not go to Palestine or to Columbo. These militants/terrorists are bringing everyone down. We cannot treat these militants/terrorists as one of our own and be lenient with them. It is not America’s job to clean our house, but we seem to be unable to do so. So when we are unable to control these terror activities and these terror activities are spreading beyond our borders and affecting other countries (including the US), obviously they are going to act and do what it takes to fix the mess. Remember, America did not interfere with what Taliban were doing in Afghanistan with their strict implemenation of Islam and creation of a society that resembled how things were 1400/1500 years ago. The Taliban were living in caves or in mud-houses when other societies were looking to move into the next Millenium on a strong footing and to compete and make progress. It was only when the Taliban and Osama Bin Laden attacked America on 9/11 that they took action. We need to focus on making progress rather than complaining all the time. America owes us nothing. Not one damn thing. We need to invest in the right things and make progress and stop the moral, financial and military support of these militants. An example of what to do is not far away from us. Look at India. They were in mere shambles only 20/30 years ago. But since they had invested in their people and did the right things for 50 or so years, they reaped the benefits of the technology boom. We need to work on something similar. We cannot afford to waste more time trying to appease the terrorists. They will not be appeased.

  4. Guptan Veemboor says:

    Dissassociate from America’s War on Terror but make it clear to Taliban that they are no more welcome in Pakstani soil. Stop meddling in Afghanistan with an intention of having a friendly government. Whatever government is there try to be friendly with it. Keep Kashmir on the back burner and concentrate on the domestic matters of economy and militancy. Ask US and other wealthy nations for support to its economy and not for military purpose except for counterinsurgency.

  5. I totally agree with some of the opinions expressed here that suggest that our country–Pakistan–does not have a foreign policy of its own. Most of the time its foreign policy is dictated by–I am dead sure of it–perpetual anti-Indian attitude. This anti-India attitude of ours has been, during the whole period of our existence, has been (mis)utilized by China and partly by USA, the latter doing so during the cold war days. The anti-India feeling is so deep-rooted, which was aggravated by our humiliating defeat at the hands of that country in most of the wars we fought with it, in our mental makeup that we have produced a whole generation of young Pakistanis who had been constantly indoctrinated with anti-Hindu and anti-India feelings through systematic disinformation campaign in the form of selective manipulation of school textbooks, particularly those of History and religion and in the form of manipulation of our “semi-educated” intellectuals and the less-than-competent media! During the last 20-25years, we have made ourselves a joke in the eyes of the world by trying to destroy our own country by methodically cultivating, though artificially, the forces inimical to the overall interests of India–remember the doctrine of “thousand cuts and million bleeds (something to this effect, I think!)” put forward by our ‘great thinkers on foreign policy’. So, to cut the unending long story short, it is obvious that to cause “thousand cuts….” to our eastern neighbour, of which we were a part till 1947, we have done everything in our hands that amounts proverbially to “cutting one’s nose to spite the face”. We are so deeply immersed in the latter act that it would come, tragically, as no surprise to any one of us if we would be left with no nose on our very own severely spited and damaged face which may get beyond recognition in times to come, unless we pull ourselves away from path of religious hatred being perpreted against fellow human beings–so what even if they happen to be Hindus, Christians, Buddhists, Jews and so on of any nationality, including our betenoire India.

  6. Prasenjit says:

    Many things to do and shall take some time -that is to remember.
    Close madrassas which teach hate and strictly control arab funds. Instead open small schools to start with moderate teachings.
    Convince the army that they are earning a bad repute for the country by allowing the terrorists to take control. Take US & China in confidence to talk to your army men.
    Forget Occupied Kashmir. Instead say in clear terms that let both Kahmirs and India+Pakistan stay in peace.
    What a paltry sum – 1.5 Billion USD per annum. Don’t refuse it but mention that it is not going to help much.
    Don’t try and follow the Indian politicians’ vote bank abuse of Pakistan. Instead be bold to be friendly with India.
    Don’t take army’s help to bulldoze opponent politicians. Fight them politically.
    Lastly the educated/moderate class should participate in active politics to bring out a leader from them.

  7. Naren says:

    Very first thing is get rid of the religion from the state matters & functioning. It does not mean that you can not practice your religion.

    Keep a tab on all the comments made during friday sermons. Take the action against the offenders. Keep the semi literate mullas away from preaching. Severe punishment should be there for these offenders.

    Turn all madarasas in to a reguler schools.
    Also make it sure that text book doesnot preach hatred against anybody.

    With this your 50% problem may get over. For the rest 50% work hard to build the nation.

    With this You may not need Obama for long time.

  8. KayEnn says:

    I wish well for Pakistan. Let me state the followings
    1) Pakistan population elected the moderates to rule them in a true democratic manner in all its provinces. How can the Government sign peace deals with extremists.
    2) Does Pakistan want to live in dark middle ages or in the present world. How are you allowing summary executions, ban on girl’s school, Qazi courts etc to flourish
    3) Military is meant to guard the national boundaries. Why are you allowing them to participate in the civilian day to day functioning of the government. We all know that people of Pakistan elected the civilian government.
    4)Time has come to come out of denial. Face the truth otherwise the consequences would be dangerous for Pakistan itself.

  9. Jabbar Khan says:

    US claims to be the champion of the world. If it owns any positive contribution to world peace & prosperity, then it must be ready and honest enough to confess that international terrorism is due to its discriminating policies. If the US starts doing justice, every thing will be okay. Let me explain that the major causes of Pakistan domestic terrorism are three: 1. India and Israel, the global terrorists, 2. Poverty, unemployment, defective, unjust & unfair policies of many Pakistani governments, and 3. support of Pakistan for US invasion in Afghanistan…

  10. Raheel Ahmed says:

    Pakistan can not play an “independent” role in bringing peace and stability to Afghanistan and its people. The U.S. has always had us “piggy-back” on it for this and other matters; and continues to do so. And for a few dollars gained and many lives lost, we have always been more than happy to tow the U.S.

    Afghanistan is far more complex and delicate an issue than the world is willing to concede because there are “hidden agendas” at stake here.

    The imperial (Anglo-American) intentions have always been to “steal” the world resources as and where it can be done (ref. “Freedom Next Time by John Pilger”). This war on terror is only a disguise for promoting the policy document of “The New American Century”.

    Obama or not, there will NEVER be peace in our world as long as the U.S. occupies sovereign countries and flouts international law; and there are willing partners (like Pakistan) to further the U.S. hegemony.

    The ONLY way to a peaceful Afghanistan, Pakistan, India and the rest of the world is for the U.S. to go back to its “dog-pen”…and I don’t see that happening in the foreseeable future.

    Thanks to the U.S. and its cronies, we are in this for a looooooong haul!!!

  11. Sualeheen says:

    We should be more careful with American policy. It has been and will always be in their own interest. Our interest is of no importance for them. The drones attacks are being continued without hesitation. This is creating hatred amongst our nation. And ultimately the people will rightly feel that the Government does not represent them. So it is time to study very carefully what we will achieve out of this dramatic scenario.

  12. suleman maniya says:

    Pakistan and its army for one should make the right decision. Why are we so fixated on Indian or others influence on Afghanistan. We should seal our western borders for any trade with Afghanistan, Deport all those Afghanis who have destroyed our country and silence all top ISI chiefs ( the likes of Hameed Gul etc) who boast that they were the one’s who helped create the Taliban etc. Once trade and other things are blocked the tribes will have less interaction and there will be less money flowing and I believe this will lead to a thaw in militancy and weaponization. Why are we so short sighted? we think we can dominate Afghanistan, which is landlocked, war hungry country and thus try to choose sides!! Lets make a U turn on Afghanistan.

    I feel this wont happen.The NLC wont get to transport contrabands in its containers if it happens, The afghan Transit trade which feeds illegal imports in Pakistan would be stopped and the ability to cause mayhem in Pakistan would vanish. Mr Kayani are you listening!!

  13. The first question is that Americans must decide;

    a. Whether they want to occupy the world,
    b. Or they want their own security and peace in the world?

    If they want to occupy the world, they may keep on trying what they have been doing till now but if they want security and peace in the world, they must withdraw their forces from countries and regions and must leave the countries to be run by their own people. American should help the poor countries for betterment of those countries’ people to make them realize that they are not being suppressed.

    For Afghanistan, there appears to be no motive except for controlling Alqueda and militancy. The question is, why Alqueda and militancy are there? These are because;

    a. People feel that they are being governed with suppression by America. For this the people have stood up against foreign forces. To benefit from this situation, some elements who have hidden interests in this region and have grude against America, are playing behind the scenes as they want this situation to continue. Their main source is poverty and unemployment in the region. Some poor people are compelled to do anything with small money.

    If these people are provided reasonable jobs in their own areas,the vested interest would not be able to find and buy people for militancy.

  14. San says:

    Well I fail to understand why you guys are obsessed with looking at everything in the world from religious point of view? its dumb to do that. The day you understand religion is purely personal and you have no right to impose your ideas onto others you will learn to live happy, prosper and grow. Right now you keep talking of pakistan for peace but actions are just in the opposite direction. Self denial is terrible mistake. Wake up and let your educated people come forward.

  15. Ramachandran S says:

    Americans only aim to sell arms to maintain the standard of living and we are sustaining them. Let us think and act wisely. American society which cannot provide security to its own people(You can have your own weapon), says I can bring peace to Afghanistan and we treat them seriously this is the trouble. All those who are involved in fighting for Afghanistan for centuries should understand the above facts to get peace in their life

  16. Burjor says:

    A lot of people in Pakistan perhaps the majority I think, are brainwashed, indoctrinated, and have been so for a very long time. It will take a very long time for them to reach any where near normalacy. Until then Pakistan is simply going to suffer and suffer and suffer.

  17. Laila says:

    President Barack Obama is an intelligent man. However it doesn’t take a genius to see the writing on the wall in Afghanistan. The reality on the ground where the Taliban control 80% of the territory is a tell tale sign that the military campaign has not worked in the graveyard of empires. The Bush Administration has created so much hostility in the entire region that it almost impossible to build goodwill and win the hearts and minds of the people. How could a $80 Billion think tank industry be so wrong. Three trillion Dollars wasted on two wars with little to show for expect war, mayhem and chaos. There was tremendous goodwill in Afghanistan and Pakistan for the United States. Through its miscalculations, bad policies and arrogant attitude, the Bush Administration evaporated the good feelings of the people towards the USA.

    The US used the Pakistani military and abused the Pakistani nation. This from ingrate ally who had fought the Cold war together. Instead of building Pakistan and thanking the nation for its support for the war against the USSR, the Bush Administration (41) slammed sanctions on the former friend. To add salt to injury the US confiscated $450 million worth of F-16s and never did give Pakistan the planes or the money. All this for a founding member of SEATO and CENTO which had helped the US monitor the USSR from a base near Peshawar. All these abuse for a country that had helped the US in Vietnam and Korea.

    Instead of taking the advice of the Pakistanis, the Bush Administration tried to ram through the Neocon approach to diplomacy-daisycutters and cluster bombs. These Israeli tactics did not work in Lebanon and did not work in the killing valleys of the Hindu Kush. The Indian also jumped into the fray and tried to take political advantage of the situation attempting to play “Lord Curzon’s Great Game”. Had they listened to the advice given to Lord Curzon by Rudyard Kipling, they would have been saved themselves the $1 Billion that they wasted on the 150 km highway whose bridges have already been blown up. The last time Delhi tried to play “Big power” in Afghanistan it was sent packing with bag and baggage.

    The problem with the US approach is that it is US-centric. The US wants to prevent further attacks from AfPak. However its actions are actually doing the opposite. For example a drone bomb, even it takes out a really really evil person, also causes damage to civilians and kills bread-earners and children. The drone attacks also have an impact on Muslims populations from Morocco to Indonesia. Of course the Pakistanis are seething. Each drone attack wreaks havoc with the political infrastructure in Pakistan. The pro-American government feels the pressure to stop the counterproductive attacks.

    The Obama Administration has make a choice–peace and stability in AfPak or a relationship with Bharat (aka India). The Bush Administration had it wrong on two counts. It messed up Afghanistan with brute force, ignored the Pakistanis and tried to build Bharat as a counterweight to China. This antagonized Pakistan and China both–ensuring defeat and humiliation for the US machine in Afghanistan.

    If the US is serious about rebooting the AfPak initiative and put it into a positive mode, it needs to develop the Marshall Plan beyond the $7.5 Billion promised to Pakistan. That is peanuts. Compare to the $143 President Bush wasted on Afghanistan. If that money had been really spent in the Pakhtun areas of Pakistan, the Pakhtun children would be so busy enjoying life that they would not be bothered with the are next door and the insurgency would have died. Instead the Bush Administration bombed the heck out of the Afghans who moved to safer hideouts. With the US bombing FATA the population moved to Swat and the cities of Pakistan. It is the typical push theory which pushes criminals out of 42nd street to 56th street right after a police raid. Peter Senge in a seminal book on Systems thinking described this in detail. In order to end the insurgency the US has solve the problem.

    The US failed to comprehend the security concerns of Pakistan and China. The rise in the Indian influence in Kabul raised hackles from Riyadh to Beijing. The militancy was a natural reaction to the American Gung Ho policy of occupation and wanton destruction in the Afghanistan and Pakistan. The US learned the old hard way. No solution is possible in Afghanistan without Pakistan

    The US has to make amends to Pakistan, pour in $100 Billion in schools, hospitals, roads, and universities with “Made in America” written on them. Jefferson hospital in FATA and Madison school in Lahore would do more to eliminate militancy than drone bombs. The US has clear choices. It can choose Pakistan and China for peace and prosperity in West Asia, or it can choose India and perpetual war Hindu Kush. Unless and until the Obama Administration has clear goals and an exit strategy, it will face a Vietnam type of defeat.

    Two,US needs to stop it’s threats to Pakistan and give it a comfortable working relationship, not one that is on probation.

    Three, it needs to withdraw its forces from Pakistan/Afghanistan. I refer to the article of Jonathan Powers, today ie 28th March in Khaleej Times:
    Is it time to find another way? Withdraw most of the military. Leave behind peacekeepers and switch them into blue helmets by order of the UN Security Council. Ask Interpol to bring in its best detectives to track down Osama bin Laden.

    I agree!

  18. Imran Ali says:

    Pakistan already has an enemy – India. And so far we have not been able to handle them either. Do we really need another neighbour turn enemy?

  19. gullu mian says:

    Unity, Faith, Discipline,the magic words of the father of nation – get these back to hold on to. First and foremost put your house in order. What a shame, Punjab Police, with the Sri Lankans. United we stand, divided we fall. About Obama new plan – in short, it falls far short of the need of the hour. $10b since 9/11 did nothing. What will $1.5b/year for 5 years do. Hello, are you kidding? At least $10b/year,i f they are seriously want Pak to fight their war.Otherwise is simple beggary. Pakistan Zindabad.

  20. Nasar Ali Shah says:

    Pakistan being the part of international community and working closely with united states is still shameful because, its influence upon our foreign policy is shameful for us. We deny the Drone attacks but unable to stop it. We must required to suppose the problem in the united nation or else where to stop the drone from our territory and secure our sovereignty. As for as the Obama administration is concerned they are interested for their self interests and not for Pakistan.
    I am appealing to the high officials of the govt to work for the sovereignty of the coountry and for the promotion of our own country. We did not need any kind of aid which threatens our sovereignty. We are a nation of rich history, our struggle for independent judiciary is one of it. So know it is the time that we must keep ourselves aloof from the allaies on the so called war on terrors. because it is only the American war not our own war.

  21. Guptan Veemboor says:

    This is such a problem which is being tried to be solved by the world’s best think tanks and they are not getting anywhere. So it is foolish of me to give an opinion or a suggestion. But many people like me has written their opinion and so let me also give mine.

    First thing is that there is no easy solution for the present mess in Afghanistan/Pakistan combine. It started the day when US started meddling in Pak/Af affairs when Soviet Union invaded Afghanistan. ( I have read another view of this somewhere which said that ‘Soviets invaded only when US started to meddle in Afghanistan. It is a egg or chicken matter and let it be.) US made Pakistan its cats paw and the fate of Pakistan was sealed then and there and it has come to this state. So the best way is be no more a cats paw. Tell US that “we are no more an ally of yours on your war on terror. Please leave us alone”. Inform the Afghanistan also through ISI to leave you alone and seal the Af-Pak border. See that none of them crosses over the border to your country. Ask army to inform their erstwhile friends the Afghan Taliban that they are not welcome in your soil. You will have to deal with your homegrown varieties seperately, but that is different issue.

    One more thing I would like to add. If India is friendly with Afghanistan why it should worry you. You too can be. You can also help them. I think that also is because you think that we are your enemies. Let us not be enemies. Let us be good neighbours.

  22. Gul says:

    This is how you save Pakistan
    0) Give copyright protection to innovation and award capital punishment/heavy fines to those who deprive the innovator.
    00) One Child policy for next 10 years.
    1) Stop honor killings
    2) Abolish blasphemy law
    3) Stop Karokari
    4) Invest in Education
    5) Abolish blasphemy law
    6) Stop loudspeaker use in Mosques
    7) Minimum education F.Sc/F.A for Police.
    8) Start small claim courts
    9) Start people’s courts
    10) Improve testing/exam standard in Colleges on urgent basis.
    11) Empower woman.
    12) Legalize Alcohol and Night clubs.
    13) Invest in sports.
    14) Implement traffic laws.

  23. Raza says:

    Pakistanis are living in a state of denial. The greatest threat to Pakistan is not India or America, its the Talibans and Talibanization that is going on. How come everyone makes such a big deal of drone attacks but does not even raise a voice when people are getting killed in mosques by the so called “Islamists”.

    This is a battle of Pakistan’s survival and all of us Pakistanis (including Pakistani-Americans like me)must realize that. Pakistanis must show the world that they are sick of terrorist attacks and drone attacks. Pakistan’s civil society, lawyers, politicians, media, and Islamic Scholars must get together and peacefully protest across Pakistan (even Long March)against all forms of terror – both from within and from outside.

  24. Fawad Badar Khan says:

    In my perspective, I would simply say that we are more geared up to find solutions to problems and that too with confrontation… Why are we not making any headway to find out the root causes of all these hatred / anger resulting in wars…

    Why does United States spends billions of Dollars every month in Afghan War and make a standing that they are fighting the evils. Terrorism simply is not an act by an individual nor a cause but simply could be a human reaction to suppression / disagreements / annoyance to double standards and many more. Humans have a tendency to reduce anger if only they are given protection and care and one listens to them.

    To all those who are seeing this trouble situation, I would like to appeal for showing restraint and giving respect to each other.. Spread this as the storm moves closer to our house… I am very sure that US / Pakistan or any other country facing such situations would not have to go into confrontation and remove these annoying factors.

    The US initiative to support the economy of Pakistan is the best solution to all the problems. People of Pakistan and not the Government of Pakistan are in dire need for Financial support and by the US policy I am quite hopeful that they will reach directly to the people of Pakistan and not pass through the corrupt channel where the money disappears.

  25. As a longtime ‘Pakistani Muslim American’ I offer the following in response to the invitation by Mr. Hasan Hasmi

    1. Discard the ‘pie in the sky’ idea of pan-Islamism and think what is good for Pakistan.
    2. The savages who are spilling the of innocent men, women and children Pakistan are our mortal enemies. attempts to rationalize their can wash away their sins.
    3. The Afghanis are backward, primitive wild people and the Pakistanis support the Taliban openly are of Pakistan who should be tried treason.
    4. The complicity of ISI in the campaign to embolden the Taliban entirely true. The allegations not false western propaganda Zionist conspiracies.
    5. Pakistan’s well-being is tied with the irrational anti-Americanism pervasive among the better of Pakistan is a reflection of myopic world view of the educated class.
    6. Obama can best help Pakistan extending the policy of drone to targeting the Taliban in Pakistan. If Pakistan cannot defend itself, it must use every and any strategy open to it.
    7. Unless Pakistan can control militancy, the day is not far when the country will unravel. The time to close ranks and defeat the terrorists is now. on Facebook on Facebook
