Is Pakistan right to say ‘no’ to joint operations with US?

Is Pakistan right to say ‘no’ to joint operations with US? invites its readers to debate current affairs in this forum.

Pakistan rejected on Tuesday a US proposal for joint operations in the tribal areas against terrorism and militancy as differences of opinion between the two countries over various aspects of the war on terror emerged. The proposal for joint operations in the tribal areas had been floated by US presidential envoy for the region Richard Holbrooke and Joint Chief of Staffs Admiral Mike Mullen during a series of meetings with the civilian and military Pakistani leadership.

During meetings on Tuesday, US officials were told that continuing drone attacks inside Pakistan’s territory were counter-productive and Pakistan requested that drone technology be shifted to the Pakistan Army. US officials were also told that it would be difficult to bridge the trust deficit if statements maligning the ISI kept coming from the US and if US officials kept ignoring the contributions of the Pakistan Army and ISI in the war on terror.

Do you think the Pakistani decision to refuse to conduct joint operations in FATA is correct? Should Pakistan’s cooperation with the US in the war on terror be made conditional on the cessation of drone attacks? How best can the US proceed without the support of the Pak Army and ISI?


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204 Responses to “Is Pakistan right to say ‘no’ to joint operations with US?”

  1. A Pakistani says:

    Hello, wake up everyone in Pakistan, mullahs are just as likely to become corrupt once they succeed in Islamizing the political system. They will have the added benefit of controlling the madrassahs and brainwashing the minds of the innocent kids of pakistan. To put it simply Pakistan was created as a secular society with secular constition and the founding father left the constition intact until the Zia-ul Haq turned back the clock.

    The objective should be to bring back the secular society with freedom of religion, freedom of the press and above all tolerance. Until Pakistan’s population is educated to think and reason on their own, it cannot stop the talibanization of Pakistan. US is the only hope Pakistan has to steer it in the right direction, but Pakistan should take a principled stand not only to rid its tribal areas of Taliban but more importantly its military; then and only then will the government be able to function like a government for the people.

  2. Karim Alam says:

    In my opinion, it would be very difficult for the Pakistan government to work jointly with the US. Due to the fact that there is a strong anti American sentiment in the Tribal region and NWFP of Pakistan. Instead of this US should work closely with the Army of Pakistan and enhance their capacity to tackle the issue similar to the new strategy of obama to build capacity of Afgan forces to manage their own affairs. And also help Pakistan portray it as its own war.

  3. Changezi says:

    It is quite suprising and uppsetting to know that a country, who claims to have the potential to makes its defence against the strong army of India, can not defeat a group of few hundreds or a thousand of people called Taliban. Pakistan army sucessfully fought Balochis in Balochistan where the environmental conditions are as same as in FATA. Whereas in Taliban’s case, they pretend to be such a hopeless that they are in need of advanced technologies.

    Pakistan is not in need of any kind of outsiders help whatsoever. Pakistan Army and Airforce have the strength and technology eliminate Talibinisation not only from FATA but from the rest of the country. Pakistan should not rely even on the US funds after receiving embarrasing statements of blank cheque by the US President.

    The big question is if Pakistan itself really wants to get rid of the Talibans?

  4. mazhar says:

    Pakistan should say to US that if the drone attacks are not stopped on Pakistan from today onwards then we will halt all relations with it. No more support from now on. Believe me this act will do magic.

  5. Asim Khan says:

    The idea of a joint military operation is preposterous. US track record in Iraq and Afghanistan of not rooting out the insurgencies and causing mass civilian casualties gives them no credence. US has not fulfilled Pakistani request for military technology like night vision goggles, helicopter gunships, drones, spare parts for two years. This is lame American offer to show Washington that the General Mullen and Halbrooke are trying a new strategy. Americans are smart enough to know Pakistani will not bite.

    Any Pakistani government who agrees to this military cooperation will fold in months. Pakistani army already has moral and morale issues with soldiers not wanting to fight fellow Muslims. American military doctrine is that US armed forces do not take orders from other countries’ officers so you can imagine who will be ordering who. This can cause mutiny.

    And to the comment about link with Kashmir, foreign occupation of Muslim lands has been the primary motivator for Jihadi recruits. It used to be Palestine, Kashmir, Afghanistan and Chechnya. Now Iraq and Afghanistan (redux) have added to this cause. If 80,000 are killed in Kashmir, women raped, houses burnt, and civil rights trampled, have no doubt about it provides fodder for the Jihadi propaganda and creates a cause for holy war which few religious leaders are able to argue against.

  6. MUHAMMAD ZAUQ says:

    The present quagmire in Afghanistan is the result of mis-deeds of so-called Super Powers, who dont hesitate lecturing the world on terrorism, human rights and other noble ideas. Russia made it habit to overrun the smaller states and usurp ther rights until it collided with Afghanistan, its ultimate grave yard. US found it opportune to take the advantage of the situation. She encouraged, funded & trained the Jihadists with the help of Pakistan. All these Talibans are end result of American funding. With the help of these very Taliban and Pakistan USA became the solo super power and deserted its ally Pakistan at the mercy of warlords, fanatics, Millions of refugees, fatal weapons and anarchy. But USA had suddenly to wake up on 9/11. She again needed Pakistan. Old pact of friendship was renewed. Pakistan has lost $35 billion with thousands of military and civil casualties. USA wanted us to do on $10 Billion what she could not achieve by spending 500 Billion dollars. The worold will soon pay for the follies committed by Supers Powers in Afghanistan.

  7. adnan says:

    we need to sort ourselves out. we need leaders with vision and character.. that is not to say that our current leaders are characterless. unfortunately what they have is shady. we need leaders from the middle class and upper middle class not the elites if this country is to go in the right direction.

    with regards to the turning down of the joint patrol and operation in fata… we are sovereign nation. we are not iraq or afghanistan. neither are we so decadent that we need help in securing our fronts. if America wants us to be serious and wants to be serious with us, it better get involved in the Kashmir dispute.

    India has been is funding movements such as the separatist movement in Baluchistan. Indian presence in afghanistan is of a serious concern to us.

    If Washington wants a standup ally and a friend… Washington needs to first be a standup ally and friend.. we did our part during the cold is their turn. as long as the Kashmir issue is not resolved we do not have a choice but to rely on the militants and militias as a buffer.

    though detrimental we have no choice at the moment but to pursue our policy for our own security. as far as how successful can the US be in Afghanistan without at some stage returning to the table for talks and negotiations… well history taught the USSR a lesson. and history also teaches us history is often repeated.

  8. Alamsher K. Wazir says:

    Nation that hold a beggar’s bowl has no right to sovereignty. Either you live within your means and be proud or listen to your benefactors. Pakistan could have been a self sufficient country only if it had leadership with integrity.Right after the death of founding father, Mr. Jinnah, the destiny of nation has been in the hands of most corrupt & selfish individuals.The present leadership is continuation of the past legacy. US will keep on dictating the terms until its objective is secured,making Pakistan subservient to India.

  9. s.a.chughtai says:

    Let us all try to understand the diplomatic tactics of all actors in this battle…..Can we guarantee America that Osama’s hideouts will be eliminated? No, we cannot because of 100 reasons. Then what is the solution? Can the world enlarge its scope to have inter-faith dialogue debates immediately in Europe and in America. Let us try to make people in those countries understand what is the real message of the Holy Prophet. Let us be very goal oriented in this manner. Otherwise, destruction, destruction and destruction.

  10. We have foreign terrorists slaughtering our people, for what reason. How would a foreign army on pakistani soil be any different. We should get help before it is too late. I say desperate times call for desperate actions.

  11. Hammad Asif says:

    I am glad Govt is taking the right steps to ensure public safety. We simply cannot afford to put our Country’s integrity and security at risk to support a foreign strategic/economic war with seemingly no end.

    I also think that Govt should turn down aid that comes with conditions as this clearly overstepping our foreign policy. America under Obama is no different as the mindset of policy makers of House/Congress are the same.

    Neocon subversive agenda is transparent as Obama has clearly dropped all his policies and adopted blind following the blind. Afghan theatre is a lost war and has been for the last six years. Window of opportunity has closed for NATO/US in Afghanistan. Foreign forces ignored the plight of Afghans therefore they have chosen to join that ranks of resistance. One only needs to look at Soviet war in 1984-1989 to observe stark similarities in two conflicts.

  12. M. Chaudhry says:

    I think Pakistan can wipe off the Taliban cancer if India stops interfering in Pakistan. Having an exernal enemy on both sides it is hard to focus on the Taliban.

    The Americans must understand that without creating a peace between India and Pakistan there will be no end of extremism and Jihadi agendas. India must support the fragile democratic government of Pakistan or India will have to deal with the spill over trouble. There is gowning frustration among Pakistani army over Indian roles in Balochistan and FATA and I am really concerned it will explode if not handled right away.

  13. KSG -USA says:

    Perhaps its time for Pakistan to put this choice to a national vote.

    A national vote would make it clear whether the people are actually committed to fighting this extremism or they prefer Taliban rule.

    One way or the other I suspect the people of Pakistan and USA deserve some clarity.

  14. Navneeth krish says:

    I gone through all the responses all of them are talking about ISI and Army are great and they can save Pakistan! But In reality they surrender to the talibans. peoples of Pakistan must understand pakistan is a sinking ship with no one to guide it…

    only people of Pakistan decide how to save them..only educated peoples can do that.
    everyone who is writing these things wake up! In reality no actions on the ground.. but talibans are making their move towards Capital. Mehsud is challenging the government by killing the innocent peoples..what is the army doing?

    The leaders of Pakistan Army and Politicians are thinking of only Money..No action. Please save the innocent peoples life … Good Luck

  15. Saf says:

    Lets see what we can find in history in regards to Joint Operations and Sovereignty.

    Has Pakistan taken joint operations in other countries and did this undermine their sovereignty?

    Yes we have taken part in joint operations and no this didn’t undermine the sovereignty of countries that genuinely needed help. Examples: In 1969 in Yemen and Saudi Arabia to recover Saudi invaded territory by communists from South Yemen. In 1971 in Jordan where Pakistani officers led Jordanian units against the PLO. In the Gulf war, joining coalition forces and being deployed in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia.

    This whole sovereignty crying is nonsense. Pakistan is losing its sovereignty to Taliban extremists who are swarming and invading our settlements and they’re worried about the US drone strikes which already take off from a remote Quetta air base and have had permission to fly in and out of our country since 2002?

    Smoke and Mirrors, people. Our army just doesn’t want to admit it needs help, or simply don’t want help for unknown or possibly sinister reasons, that too with the added perception from non-Muslims (oddly has anyone heard any offers from other Muslim countries whether they could help us or not?)

  16. Wasit says:

    Musharraf may have allowed drone attacks and even provided real time intelligence to make them more effective. Zardari is probably continuing the same policies.

    Qureshi’s show of displaying outrage and anger at these attacks is an act that would shame Bollywood. If he is serious about stopping these attacks he should resign and take the nation in confidence.

  17. yousaf(Toronto, Canada) says:

    did you ever think of the expression terrorist – to some countries a person is terrorist and at the same time to the other country the person is a freedom fighter.

    what is wrong with Talibans? they are a group of religious people – believing in Islamic and sharia laws. Pakistan is a Muslim country and there is nothing wrong with sharia laws.

    think for a moment – the corruption, robberies, assaults,rapes,robberies, theft is a very very common practice among Pakistani society. right from the bottom to the high gentry. if sharia laws are enforced the whole country could get rid of the evil corruption – and this will bring peace to the nation.

  18. Ishak says:

    Any one with a little bit of intelligence and imagination can see where this is heading: US and NATO forces from Afghanistan, US Navy from the Gulf, and India from East will end up fighting the Taliban and the battleground will be Pakistan. Iran will come in and clean up Balochistan neighbourhood.

  19. To A K Kala says:

    “If the house is on fire, it would be suicidal to tell the fire fighters to douse the fire only from outside and not come into the house ‘because it is a question of privacy and autonomy’.”

    What if the neighbour’s house is on fire and approaching your house. Will you still let the fire fighters into your house or ask them to cut the source at neighbour’s house ?

  20. Proud Pakistanis says:

    I say we tell the Americans not to interfere and let the Pakistanis deal with this issue. Let their be a “true” sharia law in swat and I say in the whole nation.. It’s a Muslim nation and Allah’s law should be the guidance of the nation. We have tried dictatorship and as well as democracy, now I believe its time for ‘Islamic government’, which is the only road to a successful nation. Islam doesn’t prohibit, education and is open to science and discovery, but it prohibits, most of the fundamentals which are associated with a capitalist society. Lets sit with the tribal elders and discuss the issue and don’t leave it until its resolved. War is not the solution, its a root of a bigger problem. It leaves scars which are never healed. Lets all the Pakistani work this issue with a mutual understandings of each other, and guide the country to a better and healthier future. First we need to elimenate race and language issues and treat each others as brothers and sisters and forget about the harsh past and move forward with a open heart. Than we need to join the states together, when ever there is a problem in one state, rest of the states should join in and help protect that state without any hesitations. “United we stand, divided we fall.. here is another good one”.. “Dont ask what your country has done for you, ask yourself what you have done for the country.” May Allah bless Pakistan and gets rid of all the Fitnahs in our society.. Long live Pakistan!

  21. Kalyan Basu says:

    Jinnah founded a Muslim majority country, but believed in pluralistic secular society. After Jinnah, the incompetent Pakistani leaders changed Pakistan into a Islamic country. The only force that kept this tribal minded leaders remain bounded together is the anti-Indian policy. There view of Pakistan as a country that is against India. This myopic vision prevented a great country to achieve its potential. How a country with such negative vision can survive?

    We already passed sixty years and I hope the new generation Pakistani citizens will understand what a mess their predecessors and current leaders have created. The only hope is to get a new leader like Obama from Pakistan and bring the country to 21st century paradigm. Once that happens all problems will be solved and Taliban will not be an challenge to create a modern developed Muslim country. Living in USA I met many people from Pakistan and I do not see any difference between them and we Indians. How come they can not protect their country from these evil leaders?

    I hope the Pakistani young generation will respond like US and get organized to address this problem. Use Internet to create your force and change this mess. I suggest all young Muslims of Pakistan to read the articles of APJ Abdul Kalam to get inspiration to change their country from the sackle of ignorance and narrowmindedness.

  22. IKN says:

    I would not be surprised if US troops showed up in FATA. Just as in the past, present govenment will deny it. Remember when we were told that Drones were flying from Afghanistan but a ranking memeber of US intellegence committee revealed that they were flying from Pakistan. Why doesn’t national assembly look into this impending disaster ? Look around and ask yourself a question – Is there one leader in the whole country can muster up the courage and tell these foreign powers that Pakistan can take care of its internal problems without any interference from out side. I seriously doubt.

  23. Nomi says:

    Joint operation should not be allowed with the drone attacks. If USA is sincere it should provide the drone techno to Pakistan. Pakistan should know a friend of your enemy is not your friend. The whole credit of the present situation in Pakistan goes to the Americans. They don’t know what they are doing. They should get out of Afghanistan and let Pakistan army clean sweep the whole region from FATA into Afghanistan and get rid of the trouble makers, who ever they might be.

  24. Shotta says:

    I forgot to address the Taliban issue.
    Frankly speaking I think the US is fanning the flames with their drone attacks. Stop the drone attacks and launch an enormous educational program to get transform the Taliban. People need jobs first and then ideology.

  25. Yaqoot Mir says:

    The US aid bill is a clear indication where the US-India team is headed, the end result is a defanging of pakistan as a relatively strong nuclear armed country. NO not only to the joint operations but NO to any cooperation between the US and Pakistan.

    Is this is a joke? a US bill being presented in the US senate mentioning clear references for Pakistan to stop conducting activities against India? I hope the corrupt government does not accept this nonsense from the US! for 1.5 Billion? I mean 1.5 Billion is that what we have been reduced to? 1.5 Billion to out things in prespective AIG in the US despite being crooks to the core and embezzling money through all channels got 60 Billion in BAILOUT money! 1.5 billion to let go of our assets in Afghanistan, to offer 80,000 of our soldiers to fight the terrorists….to promise not to harm India despite her intention to dismember Pakistan?

    Pak army and ISI Zindabad for looking after out border as we sleep and for thwarting the nefarious external designs. on Facebook on Facebook
