Buner: Swat part deux?

Buner: Swat part deux?

On Thursday, the government announced that eight platoons of paramilitary troops have been sent to Pakistan’s Buner district, which has been infiltrated by the Taliban. Frontier Constabulary platoons have been dispatched to protect government buildings and bridges in Buner. In recent days, Taliban militants have been patrolling the area, snatching and searching vehicles, and ransacking government offices.

After the passage of the Nizam-i-Adl resolution, how will government forces ensure security in Buner and other parts of Malakand? Should Taliban activities in Buner and Shangla be viewed as a violation of the regulation? Are we in for a Swat part deux?


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171 Responses to “Buner: Swat part deux?”

  1. Sklarig says:

    They are not muslims, but are abusing the name of Islam…. They need to be dealt with firmly, lets hope tha Pak army will do a great job in finishing them off completely, and if anyone else has any ambitions to follow suite they will remeber what happened to others.

  2. David Pathan says:

    i have some friends in Dir and Buner, and they have fled from their areas and have the same stories to tell as swatis did. Majority of them are complaning and infact i have seen it my self in swat that army is not conducting the operation seriously and literally they are not after militants, and poor civilians are getting killed. this is the news from the ground and indeed true according to my own experience in swat. i don’t know exactly how the new so called military offensive will impact my people but i would just request please do write this time the military should really focus on eradicating the menace called taliban but it seems remote. For God sake do write about the issue of this half hearted military operation why they are not going after them what is stoping them? Whats the point in killing civilian rather than militants? i will just quote one example that will show the state’s seriusness in war on jihadis: Mingora has been taken over by taliban im sure you will know it. the militant has captured ssp office, saidu hospital, and DIG office as well post office. All these offices are situated in saidu sharif the heavily guarded part of mingora. In previous one and half year operation the militants never dare to take these places but they have done it in spite of heavy presence of law enfrocing agencies. how is it possible that Afzal khan can guard and fight against militant in hot bed mata with few family members and some security guards, but the state forces cant guard district head quarters with all forces and weapon they have. its making the whole operation a cooked up thing and raising some serious concern and expose govt seriusness in their job. shame on miliatary and pakistan govt for their inability to contain few hundred thugs. all this prove one statement of Afzal khan the lion of swat when he told one tv that talian and army have one comander in chief this meanngful sentence is enough to open our eyes.
    The situation and state softness or collaboration has frustrated me thoroughly there is no other way i can put off the burden off my chest but atleast i can write you may be u can raise this issue of our slow death at hands of pak army and mulah.

  3. hn says:

    Again Murad’s response is that Taliban are some how lesser killers than others. Is that a good reason for giving away parts of the democracy to Taliban?

  4. Waad-ur-Rahman says:

    I think Government can control the Talibinization not by force but by some serious work. The basic factor in our country is failure of System. No institute of Government Level can perform better without any Positive Approach. As a nation we all are dull so the people involved with Taliban find their Recognition in this Fundamental Approach. We must work on the Classical Psychological principles to call them back from Fundamental Approach. As a member of Human Race it is our responsibility to spread our views if we think we are right. The same agenda has been adopted by Taliban. The Government must take help of the writers of their own region and try to trained them to not act against the national policy of Pakistan.

  5. MuradS - South Africa says:

    Have Taliban stopped men from learning science and technology? Your answer is likely to be ‘of course not’. They have focused only on implementing moral code of conduct in may be a harsh way. No body is perfect.

    At least Taliban are not killing people for fun or wanton reasons. They are not perfect. But it is a good attempt on their part for taking precedence in apply Sharia in part of the country.

    Carrying laptops and scientific calculator in pocket does not make people moral or guarantee paradise.

    What good will putting all the woman to work in Pakistan will bring? There is so much unemployment in Pakistan among qualified men. Bringing woman to workforce will do more harm than good. It will obviously bring moral decay of the society and even bring more unemployment among young men. There are qualified new doctors who couldn’g find a job. In such a situation it is better for women to stay at home, rear families, and protect them from immoral behavior.

    Taliban can be advise to stop the harsh implementation of Sharia

  6. Abbas says:

    To Murad S.

    Get your facts right. The people of the country, thats Pakistan by the way, north south east and west voted for the PPP. That is democracy, freedom of choice.

    What the taliban and sharia law offer is not.

    You seem to think that the militants speak for the entire country.
    If the violent minority want something, it does not mean that the peaceful majority have to give in to them.

    You seem to think that the taliban would peacefully administer sharia law, these are the people that kill women and girls for wanting education.

    If the government of Pakistan had sat down with the taliban in open dialog and then asked the country to vote wether they wanted sharia law or not and the people had voted no, you can bet your first born the taliban would have started their campaign of terror.

    You can also bet that none of these taliban has sent his children out with a bomb strapped to them just as they have forced other people to send thier children.

    Are these the honourable Muslims that you speak so highly of all the way safe and sound from south africa?
    The reason the People of Pakistan and not just the military are fighting and resisting the militants and the taliban is that they JUST DONT WANT THEM THERE OR WHAT THEY REPRESENT!

  7. kamrankk says:

    I think this government is not serious in tackling taliban issue. Why? because Musharaf taught us one good lesson in his dictatorship,, and that was “How to plunder other countries wealth without even visiting them”. Oh yes, he was playing this game all along from 9/11 till he was forced by the americans to leave the scene when they realised He was double crossing them. On one hand he was secretly arming and funding these fanatics so they could challenge the whole world in the name of Islam,, but on the other hand he threatned the international community of striking in pakistani territory on its own. He assured them that the world would be a better place if “HE” the then army cheif and president order the security forces of the country to tackle them. But offcourse there was a price for it,, Billions of dollars in form of military and non military aid,, but the real price tag was,, “Donors wouldnt ask where and how the money was spent” . In short, he filled the private coffers of those who helped, whether abroad or in the country. Iam sure, if the money given to Pakistan in mr musharafs dictatorship is accounted for or audited, then no trace will be found of it. So, if the present government is playing the same old trick of exrtacting money out of international comunity by playing the same drama in N.W.F.P then its no wonder.

  8. hn says:

    From Mr. Murad’s description of Taliban, and his flair for crime prevention, it appears that the sole purpose of a true Muslim is to prevent crime at any cost.

    What about progress, tolerence, not speading poppy sales for guns, freedom and human rights to all? Aren’t they a tenat for a true Muslim? I believe so.

  9. Abbas says:

    TO Murad S.

    By the way i do feel the pain, the pain of all the inocent muslims in pakistan who have suffered by the terrorist actions of the taliban in tring to destroy a peaceful muslim country!

  10. Abbas says:

    To Murad S.

    Get your facts right. The people of the country, thats Pakistan by the way, north south east and west voted for the PPP. That is democracy, freedom of choice.

    What the taliban and sharia law offer is not.

    You seem to think that the militants speak for the entire country.
    If the violent minority want something, it does not mean that the peaceful majority have to give in to them.

    You seem to think that the taliban would peacefully administer sharia law, these are the people that kill women and girls for wanting education, these are people that sell opium to fund their activities.

    If the government of Pakistan had sat down with the taliban in open dialog and then asked the country to vote wether they wanted sharia law or not and the people had voted no, you can bet the taliban would have started their campaign of terror.

    This is because the taliban are being lead by power hungry drug dealing warlords who have no interest in Islam, and they dont like anyone saying no to them.
    You can also bet that none of these taliban has sent his children out with a bomb strapped to them just as they have forced other people to send their children.

    Are these the honourable Muslims that you speak so highly of all the way safe and sound from south africa?
    The reason the People of Pakistan and not just the military are fighting and resisting the militants and the taliban is that they just don’t want them or what they represent!

  11. Thirty says:

    Hi, nice post. I have been wondering about this issue,so thanks for sharing. I will definitely be coming back to your posts.

  12. shridharV, India says:

    Shri Murad’s comment ‘Pakistan was not created as a secular nation’, illustrates the lack of a sense of history that permeates the sub continent.

    Shri Jinnah’s GOAL (note the capitals) was to create Pakistan as a secular nation, in which muslims as a majority would be secure and prosper, along with all other people of other faiths.

    Whether a partition was necessary to achieve is a separate debate.

    But, it is wrong to question Shri Jinnah’s secular credentials.

    With speed non-secular forces hijacked Pakistan within a couple of years after his death and made Pakistan different from his dreams.

    Now we all pay………..

  13. Abdul Mujeeb Khan says:

    Dear Murad,

    Thousands of Afghani children’s are collecting garbage in Pakistan; they are victim of guns, bullets, bombs and rocket launcher etc. It sounds as if you are promoter of this dreadful chaos. You said; that Arms and Ammunition have been the adornment and Jewelry of the Pastun people. It was better, if you have suggested for Pushton’s to hold laptop instead of gun, develop interest in science and technology as well as understand Islam which always teach us peace and love. But you always fail to figure out, what are the real requirements of Pushton’s and Pakistani society. I’m surprise why are you not deducting violence from the movement which is claming for implementation of Sharia in the country. In Pakistani society many other religious political parties e.g. ‘Jamaat-e- Islami’ exist since long time, they are working for people prosperity; there is no violence in their approach. Why don’t Taliban’s select the tool of negotiation? Why they do not understand that their approach will bring the future of our children, same as the millions of unfortunate Afghan children’s have?

  14. Naved Haider says:


    You are listing different socio-economic problems of Pakistan just to justify illiterate and cruel Talibans.

    Taliban’s understanding and as well as the way to enforce Islam, both are wrong. To achieve their goal they kill innocent and un-armed people, their religious ideology is based on the hatred towards other sects of Islam and other religions. Please don’t advocate them, they are the biggest mence to Islam and Pakistan.

    Rest assure there are poeple in Pakistan who have read & understood Quran and Hadees well and they too reject Talibans.

  15. Tariq Mian, Canada says:

    The Taliban in Swat are not the one who managed to have nizam-i-adl restored, it’s the locals who have been demanding since late ninetees.
    There are so many factions, everyone struggling to take advantage of the ongoing foreign adventurism.

    On the question, whether the Adl resolution has been violated? Yes! this has been disturbed.
    Thus, the security forces must ensure the peace in the area at all cost.
    Good luck.

  16. Gopal, India says:

    People like Murad are complete hypocrites. They will never want to leave the freedoms enjoyed in western society, yet they will preach against those very same freedoms and advocate violence in the name of religion. I don’t know if such people are just confused or mad. Either way … such people are dangerous to civilized society. Hope one day Murad gets to live in a Talibanized society so he can know first hand like the Afghanistani’s what the Talibanis really are.

  17. MuradS - South Africa says:

    To: Saleem Sayed

    You seem to question where the finances of the TNSM come from. You live in Pakistan and ask such a questions really baffles me.

    Should I inform you that Arms and Ammunition have been the adornment and Jewlery of the Pastun people.

    Arms manufacturing is a native trade famous among the FATA tribes if you do not know this also?

    May I ask why did you elect the current leadership? Are you also not taking bribes and part of the corrupt system? What type of democracy is this?

    I guess you don’t care to elect honest leaders as your main focus has been opposing Islam and Sharia. You could have demanded your Govt to implement an Islamic Sharia based on Quran and Sunnah with soft and gradual enforcement. Allowing people to learn, understand, adapt, see the benefits in phased implementation approach. What did you do? You elected a notorious corrupt leader and then expect that all the social, ecomonic ills of the country will simply disappear.

    What world do you live in? Not the real world.

    The divine message cannot be understood by masses of the country including yourself if they have only superficial knowledge based on hearsay. Taliban may be harsh in implementation of the Sharia but the credit goes to them for standing up, sacrificing for implementation of Sharia that has successfully eliminated crime under their areas.

    Can you or the Pak Govt claim that they have been able to eliminate crime in any of the cities under their noses (control)? Isn’t it a shameful failure of your Govt?

    Majority of the people in Pakistan have a superficial knowledge of Islam. They sadly enough are muslims by name. Never understood the meaning of the Quran, never read the tafseer, never read the books of Hadees to really understand various issues of life and the purpose of life.

    They worship saints, pirs, ask them for things that they should be asking Allah (SWT). Thus committing Shirk, they go to the graves of the dead people and beg them for fulfilment of their needs what they should be begging to Creator of all, including those dead peole. Is it not ignorance? Then you claim that they are better muslims and understand Islam. What a joke? You may try to fool others with such claims but you cannot fool God.

    Only Quran and Sunnah (Sharia) can unite the people and solve the crises we face.

  18. shaukat ali chughtai says:

    Let us resolve today that Pakistan was created to become a welfare state based on fundamental principals of human dignity as proclaimed by the Holy Prophet. Haqooul Ibad is the most important component of islamic education. The fight on religious beliefs has been there from times immemorial.

    Time has come to live on the basis of co-existence and tolerance. We are now in an age of technology where man is advancing and conquering the universe.

    We have contribute our share in the world development, we cannot be pulled back by extreme rigid and conservative forces. Media, intellecturalsm, writers and poets all have to play their role to uphold the slogan of progress and peace.

    Feudalism must be eliminated. What I mean is the feudalistic attitude of the entire nation.We will become superior if our conduct and action is superior. The rhetoric of superiority would not be acceptable. The islamic concept which is being spread or thought about is incompatible in today’s world. Let us revisit islamic philosophy,we will find pearls of wisdom and gems hidden in our philosophy. Let us read Iqbal and let us again visit Rumi. Let us understand the Goal ordained by Almightyis Human Happiness, Harmony and Peace. That is the goal, we have to figure out the inputs to achieve outputs in that matrix.

    Letus begin to understand that we Pakistanis cannot remain in shell, the world is changing we will have to move a step forward and look for next generations.

    Let us discuss sustainability issues, let us discuss environmental issues, letus talk about how our health programs could benefit the population. Let us discuss how many additional teacher training schools are needed.

    What sort of vocational education must be imparted at grass root level.

    How to improve our agricultural practices. How bring equality and justice in the society. Our main discussion and debate and resolve should be on these issues rather than discussing non-state actor agenda.

    Let us organize Peace Walks on the streets of Pakistan to make Pakistan a welfare country.

    Ponder over above mentioned thoughts. If we do not wake up today, future posterity will spit on us. Beware and Be careful My Nation.

  19. lilly says:

    It is sad that people (like Shahzad Khah and Murad of S. Africa) supports this talibanization of pakistan. They are looking at the short term results, which shows at gun point, but in long term problems, which destroys the whole country. Taliban sympathizers needs to understand long lying problems and implications, if still they are not clear then visit the Afghanistan common people, who suffered for a decades (not taliban syphatisers). Only somebody can judge the taliban, by taking opinion of non-talibans and taliban, who were ruled by them. Then think pros and cons, before arguing.

  20. Munawwar says:

    Good Logic, Ajeeth

    Ajeeth, india says:
    April 28th, 2009 at 5:54 pm Pakistan is the first nation to recognize Taliban’s rule in Afghanistan saying there are implementing actual islamic rule. Then why not allow them to take over pakistan and implement the same law. How can the same group be good for another country but not for their own.

  21. iqbal says:

    Murad has given fatwa about Suicide bombing and declared the action as not haram. Its people like you who are bringing bad name to this religion.This mentality has put the entire muslim ummah into danger. For God sake stop preaching this nonsense. People like you are hypocrite , on one side you want to enjoy the comforts of western world and on other side preach hate against them and misguide people of your own religion.

  22. Gulam Rajani says:

    It is the fanatical approach you have that has got us into the mess we are in.
    You are implying that you are a better muslim than the rest of us, I resent that ,please stop it.

  23. Shahzad Khan, Peshawar says:

    Nowadays you will see every one is condemning talibans for every crime that happen in Pakistan. Nobody ever research about any incident that happen in any part of Pakistan. As soon as the incident happens, the media start with the name of Taliban in the subject. Come on ! this is not the way. Mature nations do a lot more than that rather than stereotyping a particular group. Showing only the harsh side of taliban. We only see the lashes and punishments of taliban, but have we seen the justice they provide. No body ever went into the details of the truth about the crimes committed by those who are being punished. Some of them are drug dealers, one of them was caught in child abuse, another person was found taking drugs and the list goes on. We only listened to lashes in the videos.

    Just think my friend, what we and the scores of politicians, sitting in Air Conditioned rooms. They arrange meetings in five star hotels, discuss plans and do nothing. We have always kept our eyes closed on rights of the people living in the rural areas of all the provinces.

    If you ask me do I support Taliban, I would say yes I do? Astonished, yes because no one has shown you the true face of taliban. If I ask you do you think the public was right to bring about the French revolt? Had the public right to kill the monarchs for aristocracy and catholic clergy? Your answer would be “YES” to both the questions. The reason is that we feel sympathy for those people, who were living miserable lives. So if I ask the same question from you in terms of the poor people living in Pakistan, which are compelled by the Government policies to become taliban. What would be your answer?

    Why do you forget that we are a very poor country. We are getting buried under the Billions of Dollars loans from World Bank, so that our corrupt politicians can live luxurious lives. Every Minister is provided bullet proof mercedes, air conditioned offices and luxurious villas, an army of servants, comprising of their relatives who enjoy in the villa of these ministers. All their expenses are met from the budget of Government. There is no accountability. No one can sue them in the court. Jobs are on reference rather than merit. Roads, Government Building, bridges and all sorts of Government construction contracts are given to the contractors of their own choice, who give them their due share; rather than on merit. Tell me can anyone of us even think of suing them in courts? No, because you know your parents will find your dead body thrown somewhere the next day.

    I am sure you are all very mature and educated people, I don’t need to tell you all the devilish acts of our current system.

    The purpose of this blog was not to justify that whatever the taliban are doing is good but to tell you that its the Pakistani form of French revolution. All these taliban are poor and discriminated people.

    As long as we ignore the rights of the poor and keep going on the track of corruption, we will see this tornado getting strength and no one even the bankrupt America can help the Pakistani Government to get out of this disaster. If you think I am joking then read the french revolution, compare it with the new movement of taliban and reply me what do you think.


  24. Barister Shah says:

    we must behave as a mature nation, and the government needs to bring a permanent solution of all issues this can only be done with national consensus. In my opinion the best solution of this problem not only in pakistan but through out world can be done by an immediate resolution that has been brought forward by the Learned Muftis by issuing a Fatwa , if necessary all learned Islamic scholars from the world shall be called for a world wide conference of Muftis at Pakistan.

  25. Saleem Sayed says:

    Mr. Murad of S. Africa is fond of taliban. I am sure he also have answers to some of my questions:

    1. what is their source of finances? They are using Arms and Ammunition,they do not come free unless some one is supplying them free.
    2. What divine message is coming to them which we do not know but they know it.
    3. How they are justifying that their understanding of Islam is better than rest of the population of Pakistan.

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