A détente in the offing

A détente in the offing

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Earlier this week, President Asif Ali Zardari urged India to resume the process of composite dialogue without any conditions to jointly address common problems, including Kashmir and terrorism. Now, Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has called for a peaceful partnership with Pakistan, which he argues is in his country’s vital interest.

On Tuesday, Dr Singh said, ‘I have believed India cannot realise its ambitions unless there is peace and prosperity in South Asia as a whole and if our neighbourhood is suffering from instability and turbulence that has direct bearing on our own evolution as a democratic polity committed to sustained growth and development.’

Do you think the threat of spreading regional militancy will pave the way for Pakistan and India to work together to combat terrorism? Is a détente in the offing? And are Pakistan and India ready to revisit the Kashmir issue in the prevailing socio-political climate?


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118 Responses to “A détente in the offing”

  1. Akbar Khan says:

    We all like to see our neighbor prosper and South Asia becomes like European Union, prosperous, peaceful and progressive. But the facts are very different. Pakistan is still ruled by few elite and they do not like to change the status quo. Fanatic groups financed by ISI and other religious group are on the rise. Recent developments in Sri Lanka and Nepal are more positive and hopefully they can develop progressive policies.

    Pakistan’s policies had been anti India and not pro development. For Military dominance and Jagirdari system to continue they have to keep their public in perpetual dark, poor, illiterate and fanatically religious. This republic is not only destroying itself but is responsible for keeping this region as among the less developed of the nations. Hope one day Pakistan and Pakistanis realize their mistakes and help south Asia progress.

  2. Abhishek Banerjee says:

    While it is certainly in the best interests of both countries to resume composite dialogue, issues such as terrorism being harbored from Pakistan is not acceptable.

    Recent history is proof that everytime while there was any kind of initiation for peace from India, it was immediately followed by a sneak attack (Kargil 1999) from Pakistan. Unless this continuous events are stopped completely, honest and result oriented processes cannot begin.

  3. Dave says:

    What is Terrorism? Term terrorism has different meanings in India and Pakistan. Indians call Kashmiri militants “Terrorists” who kills innocent civilians, Pakistan call them “Freedom fighters”. Lashkar-E-Tayaba head and mastermind of Mumbai terrorist attacks Hafeez Sayed was released from house arrest by Pakistan. Peace is not possible with Pakistan unless Pakistan root out all terrorist activities and terrorist infrastructures. Sooner Pakistan recognizes Terrorism as a threat to its existence would be better. Otherwise this terrorism will bleed both country and in turn entire South Asia. Pakistan will face threat to its existence while India will keep spending more and more money for security at the cost of social well being of its citizens. India has its own business and does not have any ambition to capture any Pakistani or any other countries territory. India was never a threat to Pakistan as long as Pakistan behaves righteously. Indians like to see Pakistan nuisance-free economically strong and prosperous country.

  4. Ravi says:

    This govt will loose all goodwill if it starts a dialogue with Pakistan under US pressure. No one in Pakistan should seek confort in Manmohan Singh’s words that peace is a must for progress and ,therefore,no matter how many indians are killed by Pakistan based terror outfits india would have to entertain Pakistan.The unprecendted military action against taleban in SWAT valley is result of international pressure and not change of heart.Release of LeT chief is a testimony of it.Mumbai completeely changed forever the way indians look at Pakistan.Of course Lives can not be brought back but strong action against LeT would have brought some relief to a grieving country.If Pakistanis punished Mumbai carnage masterminds, this would be the first step.

  5. Paul says:

    For future generations in both nations, there is no choice but to return to a subcontinental ethos of cherishing diversity of all kinds, celebrating its unique meaning in divine or secular terms.

  6. Anil says:

    I am not sure the Indian population are in any mood to connect with Pakistan , unless the Pakistani estabelishment stops exporting terror and encouraging terror camps sincerely AND Pakistan stops talking about Kashmir ad nauseum.
    I think Pakistan has enough troubles on its hands , both in the Taliban threat as well as a extremly troubled economy. Its better that Pakistan first puts in house in order, look after its IDP’s then live as a peaceful neighbour. We have had enough of Pakistan’s Kashmir talk. Does any other country on earth have a massive army, talk about a 60 yr old Issue, while going around with a begging bowl day in and day out.

  7. VK says:

    Rather than just the politicians, the people of both the countries will have to start seeing the common interest.

    We will have to be ready give up past dogmas and be open to assess our relationships in against the new world realities.

    Our leadership have poisoned us against each other for long with many real as well as imaginary enemy hostility. We will have actually forget all the past and evaluate each other’s current and future actions on more factual basis. Our leaders have long played on our emotions and they are still playing the same game. We, the people, have to more rational.

    We will have to understand, accept and respect each other’s requirement in this new relationship.

    Are we ready for that yet?

  8. chanakya says:

    The fine but loud difference between terrorism existing in south east Asia needs to be understood. The threat pakistan is facing is due to her U turn when she sided with US (had no choice actually) against Al Qaida and Taliban. On the other hand, the threat India is facing is not from Taliban but organisations like LeT, JeM etc which are tools of ISI against India.
    So, if somebody says that both India and pakistan are victims of terrorism, he is right. But, the subtle difference needs to be understood that India is not responsible for or fermenting terrorism in pakistan whereas pakistan is doing so as instrument of foreign policy. We all know this despite official and obvious denials by pakistan. It is obvious from pakistan’s response to 26/11 and events preceding that. Just consider this – the terrorists came from karachi, they were pakistani nationals, inrefutable proofs show and confessions of kasab prove that they were terrorists of LeT. Despite this what has pakistan done? Arrested a few just to release them later? Like hafeez. Of course he was released by court but due to lack of strength in case since that was the game plan not to prepare a strong case.
    Consider this also. It is crystal clear that pakistan supports insurgency in kashmir but is never accepted. Now in such a scenario, how can one expect cooperation from pakistan when she herself is the perpetrator? It is like two boxers in the ring say lets cooperate. Against whom? Stop fighting!
    Every time pakistan blackmails the kashmir cause stating that unless it is resolved, peace will not come. It is other way round. Unless pakistan gives up her claims on kashmir, peace will not come.

    Now, pakistan must realise that she has already lost the battle of kashmir. sooner she realises it, better it will be for her. India is unaffected as it is progressing on the right track. It is pakistan who is burning her house to make India suffer of heat! The unnecessary kashmir obsession needs to dilute and must not be passed on to next generation. Kashmir is the ‘shamma’ and pakistan is the ‘parwana’ – parwana dies but never gets the shamma.

  9. Iftikhar Ejaz says:

    We as citizens of Pakistan are fed up with the mistrust that exsists between the 2 countries.Its sad we the citizens have become a hostage to the politicians on both sides of the fence. Both India & Pakistan are going in the wrong direction & spending amounts on defence & nuclear arseanals whereas they should be seriously trying to improve the lot of the citizens in both countries. To be honest i dont see achievieng peace or stability in this belt during my life time, the politicians on both sides are playing to the galleries & trying to fan religious hatred against the other. The lack of trust which exsists will not solve any issues. With the changing world scenario India has plans to expand its hegemony/interest & seeks to be recogonized as a super power status & is using all forums to put preassure on Pakistan forgetting the multi problems India has & the world has closed its eyes & has double standards when dealing with Pakistan. It is time to reflect as to why are we in this situation & even after 60 years we are behaving immaturely. For God’s sake wake up you politicians & bury the mistrust & forge harmonious relations & respect our neighbours.

  10. Hari Har says:

    “Woh kaun sa ukda hai jo wa ho nahin sakta,
    Himmat karen Hind-O-Pak to kay ho nahin sakta!”

    The war against taliban presents both nations a golden opportuniy to join hands. Pakistan needs to be strong and peaceful. Only then it can be a secular nation and a good friend of India to accelerate economic development.

    Indians and Pakistani people love each other. Only the politicians need to be brought to account for the wars, death and destruction that they caused over last 60 years.
    That day will surely come. But now, let us fight our common enemy together – the terrorists.
    Once they are defeated, Kashmir can be solved through dialogue.

  11. Black says:

    Yes,there can be peace between India & Pakistan if Pakistan & ISI break all links with terrorists & stop supporting terrorist acts against India. Read the recent comments made by Musharraf where he proudly supports ISI & terrorist link in the interest of Pakistan.

    What has Pakistan done to nab & prosecute the Pakistani terrorists who attacked Bombay last November.

  12. Shre Kumar Chatterjee says:

    I believe Dr Singh and Mr Gilani are speaking sense, and it is required for both countries to focus more on economy and prosperity, without compromising security. We are not privileged, at both sides to keep hostility towards each other through political and military means. However, through cross border business, more people to people contact will boost regional stability. Terrorism, sheltering evil persona must stop….all glories to both nations and its people.

  13. Bambayya says:

    Hmmm …

    Everybody wants peace in th region except certain elements in Pakistan… and i really dont think any one in India even BJP govt will want a war with each other

    will anybody explain about the “second strike” capability of pakistan? basically we know where the problem lies since India has always retaliated and was never a aggressor in any of the wars (as they call skirmishes)

    so …if there is a thaw the concerned pary knows what they should do …I really wonder why such a thaw should suddenly happen when pakistan has come to know that it might implode if it has to take action by themselves.

    Be proud but dont be foolish… China has used pakistan … US has used Pakistan… Gulf countries have used pakistan for there own reasons …when will pakistan learn there lesson of standing on its own legs?

    Thaw’s etc. will all be proved futile unless pakistan changes its foreign policy..which is wholly sorrounded around India..and unless there is a change in the basic thought of Pakistan being superior to India …nothing will change for pakistan!!

  14. Bharat says:

    There can be peace and dialogue between India and Pakistan given Pakistan honours its commitment regarding terrorism.
    Pakistan must dismantle its terror infrastructure and bring to justice those responsible for 26/11 Mumbai attacks. If this happens it will be good for both our countries but if this doesn’t happen then we are just waiting for another disaster for our countries.

  15. Hindupur Rajagopalan says:

    By calling for negotiations without pre-conditions, Zardari is admitting couple of things. One that he does not want to control the terrorists who is causing the carnage, but more importantly he is not able to control them. That means the rule of the law cannot be maintained in Pakistan. By calling for unconditional negotiations he is trying to divert the real issue of containing terrorism and terrorists. Zardari certainly does not want to take actions as India has requested. If does , he will be accused of capitulating to Indian wishes. Unless stern action is taken by Pakistan to contain terrorists and terrorism, any talk would be meaningless.

  16. Kiran says:

    Hi, I’m Indian and believe me we have nothing against Pakistan! We are actually obsessed with China and their growth model. Pakistani Citizens need to realize that its their own Jihads and not India that is their biggest enemy. In the previous wars that we fought, India only retaliated, never attacked Pakistan first. Pakistan should worry about their Economy, Education, Healthcare, Industry and look towards development as India is doing, rather than spending a insane amount of money on its defense in the anticipation that India is going to attack it someday.


  17. Arshad Ali says:

    I believe that India and Pakistan can have a relationship as good as Canada-U.S.A., if they achieve peace BUT at this point in history the way Pakistani leadership and ISI leadership has evolved, the Pakistan can not be trusted by India or anybody else.

    I am sorry to say this, since I am a Pakistani.

    We are too much Jihad mongers and less on compassion and forgiveness.
    But I will keep praying and wishing for the peace. Kashmir can be a part of Pakistan and India, and be peaceful.
    Indian Muslims enjoy as much Indianness as other Indians, so why keep making problems in Kashmir or Khalistan. By Pakistan supporting radicalism in Kashmir, Khalistan and Afghanistan we have made Pakistan a hub of terror, which is not good for anyone in the world except for some warlords.

    If you want to label me an Indian agent, then go for it, that has never stopped me before to say the truth.

  18. Mussa Ali says:

    in my point of view It’s really a good sign for both countries. They should resume unconditional composite dialogue because it could be able to bring again both in a confidence building process by paving a strong way for bilateral relations which is the need of the time. There would be hurdles to come along the way; but they must come up with open mindedly by respecting and encouraging each other without hiding any minor thing which could be build a wall to divide them. Now they have been encountering the common issue/enemy “terrorism” as well as insurgency, thus can damage both. Once leadership of both countries came up and able to build a strong relationship none can derail it. For the time being they should put aside controversial issue and put their efforts on common issues by trying their best to resolve them; When they succeeded to do so, they can! How beautiful that moment would be. We are waiting for it! When the soil become soft and fertile there could grown any crop. Naturally! both ruling icons have been facing tragedies; might be a common enemy, because PPP & Congress-I are real and genuine parties to represent their countries; they have potential to do much more if they feel; there is a unique chance to do to change the history.

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