Your favourite moments of the game

Your favourite moments of the game

People gathered around giant screens on roads and in front of televisions in hotels and restaurants in all the main Pakistani cities hours before the match. They clapped and danced on the beat of drums at the fall of every Sri Lankan wicket. They watched Kamran Akmal’s opening salvos with bated breath, too tense to enjoy the fact that the openers were playing a safe game. When Shahid Afridi, with his eagle-eyed look and bring-it-on walk, came on, fans dared to hope that there was still a chance, that he was going to be different. And what a difference he made. He made 54 off 40 balls, only two sixes and two fours, and even dived to save his wicket. A moment came on the fourth ball of the 19th over, a perfect Lasith Malinga yorker that Afridi edged on to his ankle, and ran a quick single to complete a remarkable victory. We all cheered, hugged each other, and thronged the streets, thrilled to see our team in top form again – even if Afridi might stay back in England to get that ankle looked at.

Where were you when it happened? How did you react? What were your favourite moments of the game? The most tense? And how did you celebrate? Send in your reactions and wishes for the Pakistani team.


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198 Responses to “Your favourite moments of the game”

  1. Shakeel says:

    My Favorite moment of the tournament was the Semi-Final against South Africa. The way 20,000 Pakistani Fans supported the team and atmosphere and sound they created and way Pakistani players made the whole nation proud. I heard that day Nottingham was 100% GREEN city.

    Also during the match i learnt about the fighting spirit which has been hallmark of all pakistani sides of past and that spirit still alive, which was relief within itself.

    Hats of to these boys finishing the job so professionaly in the final.

    I’ll leave you with the final word from one of English Fan of Pakistan Cricket.

    “Pakistan? Turmoil in its national politics, turmoil in its cricket politics; no chance to prepare properly, no players in the IPL; a captain who didn’t seem to care early in the tournament, no domestic cricket structure worthy of the name. If they didn’t have talent, they’d have nothing. Of course, they do have talent, and so – they have everything.”

    A Proud Pakistani!!
    Dil Dil Pakistan!!

  2. Shakeel says:

    My Favorite moment of the tournament was the Semi-Final against South Africa. The way 20,000 Pakistani Fans supported the team and atmosphere and sound they created and way Pakistani players made the whole nation proud. I heard that day Nottingham was 100% GREEN city.

    Also during the match i learnt about the fighting spirit which has been hallmark of all pakistani sides of past and that spirit still alive, which was relief within itself.

    Hats of to these boys finishing the job so professionaly in the final.

    I’ll leave you with the final words from one of English Fans of Pakistan Cricket.

    “Pakistan? Turmoil in its national politics, turmoil in its cricket politics; no chance to prepare properly, no players in the IPL; a captain who didn’t seem to care early in the tournament, no domestic cricket structure worthy of the name. If they didn’t have talent, they’d have nothing. Of course, they do have talent, and so – they have everything.”

    A Proud Pakistani!!
    Dil Dil Pakistan!!

  3. syed says:

    Congratulatios. Pakistan.
    This particular win will go a long way in keeping a high moral of pakistanis in the near future.
    Congratulations once again

  4. Ishtiaq Ahmed says:

    It is indeed a moment of sheer joy for the nation. We are going through a tough phase in our history but I am sure we’ll emerge as a stronger nation from this crisis.I think the performance of the team reflects the resilience of the nation in adversity. Many congrats to Pak team supporters.

  5. malik asim says:

    I watch the match in milton keynes UK with my friends having barbique and praying on every ball. The best moment came when afridi hit the six to udana , and bring 7 runs on 12 balls. That was the moment when victory was sealed , we all jumped and screamed . great great victory. Pakitan zindabad. Long Live pakistan.

  6. Pakeezah says:

    the most enjoyable part in the game was when BOOM BOOM AFRIDI hit 2 sixes…

  7. Muhammad Usman says:

    i am living in a small town of Ohio and Pakistani community is almost non-existent here. i enjoyed and felt it alone here. it was great, more than great in fact. it was great to see the smiles on the face of my country men. we are thankful to Pakistan Cricket Team for bringing these happy moments in our lives. it is a much needed good news for Pakistan. My favorite moment is when Afridi hit Murli for six and four in one over.

    Long Live Pakistan!

  8. Farrukh says:

    I watched the game at my home in Toronto, and my 5 year old daughter joined me in the final stages of the game. It was a full blown joy for both of us as it was a father’s day and Pakistan was on a winning note, she heard the spectators chanting “Pakistan Zindabad” and started chanting “Pakistan Zindabad” and “dill dill Pakistan” herself. She was as excited and jubilant as I was, to watch Pakistan winning. She later enquired innocently “Baba is Zindabad, Pakistan’s Capital”. But I said just chant “Pakistan Zindabad”.

  9. Naima-USA says:

    I great moment of pride and victory for the innocent people of Pakistan and a lesson for all of our leaders who have failed to provide results that this nation needs.
    Love You Pakistan.

  10. Kamil says:

    Woooohooooooooo!! Unbelievable stuff! Sooo sooo soo happy paksitan won :) and guess what – we are missing imran nazir, mohd yousuf and mohd asif! Watch out India!! Champions trophy is our in Sept! Long live Pakistan!
    Watched the match at lords and i swear it felt like i was in lahore! amazing atmosphere during and after the match – full bhangra all over london after the win!

  11. Misbah Dalvi says:

    We had a match view party at our place in Secaucus, New Jersey with tons of halwa puri and boy o’ boy was it worth it…
    Catch the final bowl here:

  12. Bangladeshi says:

    Congrat ! to all Pakistani from a Bangladeshi Cricket Fan ! It was a great match, and a great win for Pakistan..

  13. khan says:

    I was at KFC (not to eat chicken) where i work at weekends. I was on til and taking orders throughout the match.. my cell fone(now this is not allowed) was right under my til and I was getting sms from apkistan, ball by ball updates.. other colleagues too had their own sources of updates..Just imagine my blood rush and they way I was trapped in a miserable situation. I had to make excuses to move away from my til just to check new massages and to delete some. We all jumped and stopped serving customers when we sealed the victory!! that was a moment.. people were smiling.. we were jumping around and what not and what not.. Love Pakistan

  14. Rafique says:

    I was at a cub scout camp with my kids in Lytle Creek, California. Luckily there was wi-fi at the resort’s restaurant. I could not sleep all night and kept chrecking the time every hour. Finally 7 AM came and I rushed out of bed to the restaurant area to catch the live stream on my laptop. By the time I got there Sri Lanka were already 4 down!! Great match watched it till the end. Afridi played superbly and the whole team came together very nicely. We are proud of you and thanks for this father’s day gift.

  15. Muzaffar Saleemi says:

    I watched the game with my friends here in oklahoma city in the U.S.Well all the moments were great especially the second last over by Umar Gul in the match against South Africa,the calm by shoib Malik and the clinical precision by Afridi to finish the match.We did it without the ICL-IPL-Champions league label.And who needs it any way.
    Pakistan Zindabad.

  16. Waqar says:

    I live in Indianapolis, USA. Many people from our pakistani community watched the match at the local pakistani resturant ‘Magoos’. There were around 50 to 60 ppl and everyone was super excited, shouting at the top of their lungs. Afridi made our day and we are all proud. I always knew that afridi is a match winner… but he proved even more… now he is a worldcup winner. I would ask everyone to pray nafil for this huge reward and pray for more happiness in Pakistan.

  17. Muhammad Omar Iftikhar says:

    My first favorite moment was in the semi-finals between Pakistan and South Africa when Shahid Afridi clean bowled Gibbs with his amazing spin bowling. My second favorite moment came when youngster Muhammad Aamer took a wicket in the very first over of the final against Sri Lanka. But my most favorite win was when Boom Boom Afridi hit the six and four in the finals and then took the winning run. Priceless!!!

  18. Shoaib Khan says:

    It was really a joyfull moment yesterday when I saw thousands of Pakistanis, even many English, stood victorious under the Green flag, inside and outside the Lords stadium. I just cannot express how proud we are here in Engalnd of our team.

    May ALLAH bless them with more honour.

    We love you.

    Pakistani forever.

  19. Rashid says:

    Stand up for the Champions

    I started out my day with 2 Nafil’s and prayers dedicated for our team and watched the game at my sister’s place here in USA.

    Thanks to ALLAH for the victory. Every moment of the game is favorite and remembered for years. Please thanks to ALLAH and pray for a prosper Pakistan.

  20. muhib says:

    First congratulations to the whole nation for a happy moment after all!!
    I am doing my masters in mechanical engg in Lyon, france and the first thing that came to my mind was that the media and those who are against Pakistan and her people will be very jealous of that. I dont have any doubts about that, especially while i live in France where the media potrays Pakistan as a war torn and extremist country with no sports, no education and nothing of the sort. Only nukes, Taliban, hungry people and ofcourse subjugation of women.
    No doubt, this success of Pakistan was and would never be highlighted in the foreign media!!
    But i feel very happy for my country and its people. It also shows that if we select people on merit, though not all, but atleast some, we can still be the best. Wish it would have been true for leadership also.

  21. Asif-London says:

    I took my father, brother and uncles to this match yesterday – simply put it was a an amazing game right from the start. Pakistan’s team has changed dramatically over the last few weeks. The hard work and effort put in by the coaches, the psychologist, the physiologist should not be overlooked.

    sport is something which brings countries together, but the spirit of the game brings together a nation.

    well done to the team – you’ve made every Pakistani PROUD.

  22. shaikh says:

    It was fathers day and my son told me that Daddy this is the best news i can give you for you present and indeed it was!

  23. Shahid says:

    Hello I am a Kashmiri from Kashmir Pakistan who is currently living in the UK. I really love the pakistan cricket team they are the best cricket team in the whole world and i would like to congratulate them in winning the world t20 in england and for beating the tournaments favourires in semi and also beating Sri Lanka in the final which was tyeh match to remember. However I would also like to congratulate skipper Younas khan and specially Shahid Afridi because he has done a superb job in the bowling and batting department.

    I hope they keep this momentum up and win the upcomming ICC Champions Trophy in South Africa which was snatched from us from the ICC committe.

    I would also like to say to PCB to bring Imran Nazir into the World T20 2010 in West indies because he is also a fantastic player in T20 and he will also boost our batting. He has done really well in ICL and i hope that he does so for pakistan aswell.

  24. abdul rahim chundrigar says:

    what excitement for us people living abroad,i was in rest room of my work place sitting with my indian iranian and black african friends, watching score on laptop. and ball by ball i wa stense around 16.1 over.all my indian friends telling that now win is a dream for pakistan. but wow.afridi did six and tables turned. we did it.pakistan zindabad.long live pak cricket team ,
    rahim chundrigar

  25. usman says:

    I was sitting in my room in Toronto watching the match on my laptop. The moments that kept my spirit up [till Afridi’s final act] were the 2 fours hit by Shahzaib Hasan and then the few aggressive doubles taken by Malik and Afridi.
    Sounds cheesy but I think I had tears when Pakistan won. That feeling of pride and joy was overwhelming. I wished I was home in Karachi and then I could have truly celebrated this victory with my fellow country men. on Facebook on Facebook
