Your prayer for Pakistan

Your prayer for Pakistan

On Friday, Pakistan celebrates the sixty-second anniversary of its independence. Recently, the country has seen its fair share of ups and downs. Terrorism, communal violence and the economic and energy crises dominate headlines. But the resilience of the nation and its people has been expressed again and again – through a nationwide consensus against militancy, a national movement in favour of a free judiciary, a much-needed Twenty20 win, the generosity of host families in the face of mass displacement, and new initiatives to protect women’s and minorities’ rights.

In these trying yet optimistic times, what is your prayer for Pakistan? How do you serve your nation in an effort to make it the country you wish it could be? And where do you hope to see your country in another 20, 30, or 100 years?

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131 Responses to “Your prayer for Pakistan”

  1. Jude Allen says:

    Five years from now our dear motherland will continue to be drained and stained. We DON’T DESERVE democracy because we have been careless with responsibility and freedom.

  2. shamsi says:

    I just want to request to the people of Pakistan,please, please, become an honest nation and elect new leaders. Otherwise the coming generation will not forgive us.


    God bless Pakistan

  3. adnan says:

    Im sorry to say.. but i dont really care about it anymore..corrupt politicians.. bureaucrats, police, lawyers, army, and people.. I dont see pakistan going anywhere or doing anything.

    No disrespect to the author’s patriotic feelings.. been there done that and given up.

  4. erratica91 says:

    The question being asked here is where would Pakistan stand in another 5 years from now. All I can say is there is no point debating on such an issue as the future is a promissory note, today is where it’s at. Pakistan today finds itself in a mess only because of its misadventures over the years. Hence all I can say is stop worrying about the future and correct you course now!
    I often find this word “resilience” being used in the media rather naive. I reckon its not the so called “resilience” but the helplessness which keeps us moving forward. As an Indian all I wanna say is for a prosperous Pakistan you have to deal with the terrorists.

  5. zubair khan says:

    I am writing here on the behalf of all true patriotic Pakistani’s.We as a nation would like to tell Pakistan enemies that love for pakistan is running in our blood,those who are usurping the rights should realise that very soon nation will bring them out from any power.We love our country,we are ready to die for our country.Although our governing system has demolished our development yet time is not so far that patriotic people of this country will awake and take the charge of this country by themselves.We love our national poet ALLAMA IQBAL and Quaid-i-AZAM.Time has gone when people where convinced by false promises of rulers. THE VISION OF PAKISTANI NATION HAS BEEN CHANGED AND THIS IS THE GLIMPSE OF PROSPERITY FOR EVERY PATRIOT.

  6. Salman says:

    My prayer …. My prayer for our beloved motherland is that it becomes the model state for Islam. It symbolizes what a beautiful, peaceful and the best relegion Islam is. It becomes the most uncorrupt nation on earth. It gives equality to all relegions, ethnic groups and genders. I want to see Jinnah’s Pakistan where there is unity, equality and justice.

    And above all I want to see a Pakistan where dispora Pakistanis who love thier country so so much dont feel even a little bit insecure to return to our roots. May we the 3rd generation of pakistan can live the dreams our grandparents saw when they abandoned everything in india to come to this new motherland.

    May Pakistan become all our reasons and options. May Allah protect Pakistan from everything negetive and may our motherland live long. Ameen!

    Happy BirthDay my love! on Facebook on Facebook
