A worthy winner?

A worthy winner?

US president Barack Hussein Obama has won the Nobel Peace Prize 2009, just nine months into his first term in office.

As US troops shift gear from action in war-ravaged Iraq to an expected surge in war-torn Afghanistan, questions are being raised whether the Norwegian Nobel Committee has rushed in its praise for Obama’s foreign policy that is yet to be termed a success.

While the committee pays tribute to the first black US president for ‘his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples,’ the world is yet to see any major conflicts such as the Middle-East crisis coming even close to a resolution.

Some may agree with the committee when it says that ‘very rarely has a person to the same extent as Obama captured the world’s attention and given its people hope for a better future,’ but the question being asked is whether the president will live up to the expectations? Do you think Obama now as a Nobel Peace Prize winner will fare any better for the people of Pakistan and the rest of the world?

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106 Responses to “A worthy winner?”

  1. saad says:

    This is the most crasy thing that could have happened. A pupit of a NEW WORLD ORDER being rewarded with a noble peace price. Wait till his presidency will be over then we will definitaly know what he deserves.

  2. ali says:

    Although some critics thinks that with the change of President in the White House, there were many setbacks to the peace process going on previously – like Palestinian-Isreal issue resolve which was started by Bush administration, seems like more as bargaining chip in the hand of Obama rather than a solution to the problem, the Kashmir issue which was 99.5% resolved and people were saying just one agreement was left has rolled back to position from where it started, Afghanistan becomes a more dangerous place, Iran is being threatened by Isrealis and Americans many time, an unethical support was given to Iran’s own matters, Pakistan is being pushed into the war which is not on the will of its people. and there is a continuous resolve by the top brass of Obama administration who says that they have the stick in their hand to treat the world the way they wanted to —— but I am very hopeful that the message of Change by President Obama will solve all the problems of the world.

    Hope is something we must not loose.

    Even the Alexander got the honor after the wars that he fought but Obama seems a better one in this area, as he is rewarded with the prize for the war he has not won yet.

  3. Bibi Shah says:

    Obama is a murderer with blood on his hands – I hope that the poor souls of all the innocent victims of his drone attack will haunt him. Nobel peace prize is a joke and those with hopes in Obama very naive.

  4. vksaini says:

    We must bear in mind that accomplishments always follow the intentions, creation of atmosphere and all round efforts for the execution. US president Obama has tried his best, within his reach, to make the world peaceful for the whole mankind & particularly for Americans. The venom of hatred & enmity against Americans, which was being sprinkled on his predecessor’s policy in many pockets of the world has definitely reduced since he has become president! So deserves the Nobel peace prize for his intentions & efforts in this regard. My heartiest congratulations!

  5. Narjis says:

    Norwegian Nobel Commitee has taken hasty decision . We all know President Obama has promised for bringing peace in the world as did by many great men but the efforts were the least.
    Now only time will tell us whether Obama is a man of words and justifies the nobel Prize.

  6. imuraj says:

    Equal Opportunity philosophy has arrived in Oslo. Promotion of mediocrity is the flavour nowdays.

  7. Fahad Asad says:

    Absolutely rubbish !

    Obama being handed the prize for what he has said and not done.

    And this is the fact even Obama realises himself ! … thats probably the reason for his statement the he has been surprised and humbled by the award. He knows its pre-mature!

  8. Masud Khan says:

    Not sure about the outcome, but there is a changing vibe that people all over the world wanted to feel for so long and that they want to look forward to.
    I think the nobel prize for Obama is meant to be an appreciation for that changing vibe and an encouragement to carry them on to some positive, meaningful and peaceful outcome.

    P.S.: Bill Clinton, Yaser Arafat, Simon Peres, Issac Rabin — all were awarded with nobel prize but their peace making initiatives didn’t turn into any peaceful solution yet.

  9. i consider this to be the joke of 2009 .

  10. Nawaz Ahmed says:

    He has not fulfilled the promises he gave to his nation. On which parameters he has been awarded Nobel Prize ?????

  11. kapil soni says:

    It is the black day for nobel prize distribution. Nobel has lost its cradibility among the billions of peoples.
    It should not be done. There are thousands of peoples who spent and lost the life for peace in the world. It is the disrespect for them.

  12. waqas says:

    If Obama has got a peace prize then I believe peace has a bad meaning!

  13. Naseer Qureshi says:

    This will be probably the first Nobel Peace prize that was won based upon “should have” and “would’ve”, which almost everbody can do in this world. However, having said that, since President has won it, he should be under debt to legitimize that honor by honoring his words of peace all over the world. He needs to pull all american troops out of iraq and afghanistan immidiately with out any furter delay and casualties. I think it is now long overdue. Millions of americans are out of work, not enough Pell grants for students, higher education has spiralled out of affordability, people without health insurance, and rising national debt and trade deficits, are all factors of prolonged war. I think all these funds that are being spent over long and aimless wars should be spent over homeless people in the united states, higher education can be made affordable, every american citizen can enjoy affordable health care.

  14. Smile says:

    How a person can get a Nobel Peace Prize, who is convinced to send 30000 more troops in Afghanistan to “win” the “war” against their so-called “enemy”?

    Why to award Obama, if he has not been able to close the Guantanamo Bay Dentention Camp?

    Why to award Obama, if he is a bully for Iran?

    Why to award Noble Peace prize to any American, who are the only reason for spoiling world peace?

    By the way it was nice joke of 2009. I really laughed at it.

  15. SALAH UD DIN says:

    Mr. Barak Hussain Obama wins the prestigeous International peace award in advance. By giving him the Nobel Prize the Norwegian team might have asserted that he may come to truice with the nations he is in war with. Actually it is a good idea. A person who may have a character or not, if people start saying him good man, he tries to be so. So far Mr. Obama has failed to bring the change he had promised with his nation and the international community. the dead tolls in Afghanistan and Iraq are still rising. Pakistan is also in equal troubles because of the side-effects of the Afghan war. The clouds of a possible war are still lurking over Iran and stiff calls from white hous threaten the sovereighnty of an indepandant nation. It is a ridiculous Nobel Prize Drama. Does he deserve it?

  16. Abdullah says:

    Palestine,Iraq,Iran,Kashmir and Talibaan issue has not been solved as yet. I hoped that no peace prize will be awarded this year. WELL, only if any one is compared to Bush he will definetly win the coveted prize. THE PRIZE WAS AWARDED RIGHTFULLY TO OBAMA. BUT TOO, TOO, TOO PREMATUREDLY.

  17. A prestigious award has been wasted.And for what?Obama’s only achievement until now has been that he’s become the first black president of the United States.If giving ‘hope’ for a better future is a criterion for qualifying as a deserving candidate then Asif Ali Zardari deserves it more than anyone else.He too gives ‘hope’ to the people of the world’s most ‘dangerous country’.ONLY hope.

    I am digusted with the committee.Bias at its best.

  18. Rashid Aurakzai says:

    I also wonder Why? He has yet miles to go to show us that dreams are worth nourishing. But one thing is sure. This will silent, for a while the white racist mouths, discouraging the hopefulls and will provide moral buck up for Obama which he needs much these days.

  19. Murali, USA says:

    I agree with one of the readers who has commented that the Nobel Prize Committee have made a mockery of this coveted honor by giving it Obama who is still in the process of getting a first hand knowledge of world issues.

    While his intentions may be noble, clearly, it’s too early to have bestowed him that honor, and will only constrain him with taking tuff action where it’s due, such as in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

  20. Manoj Barve says:

    Initially I was appalled to hear the news. On second thought though, I think Obama’s Nobel is not totally unjustified.
    He should thank Bush for the Nobel! From a European perspective, he was awarded Nobel for not being Bush.
    The Nobel is not for what he has done, but for what he can. The Nobel is not for the achievements of the past, but it is for the hope for the future. The Nobel is for reconciliation. For a pragmatic compromise – with the conservative Muslim world, with a heartless greedy capitalism, with careless destruction of the environment, with the proliferating nuclear powers. The Nobel is for immortal hope, untiring efforts, and endless power of the trickledown effect of charisma. The Nobel is for America for electing a black President; for the Democrats for differentiating themselves from neo-conservatives, for the Main Street over the Wall Street, for tomorrow over today.
    This is the first Nobel – not for past laurels but for the faith to implement a better future.
    The ball is in your court Mr. President!

  21. Zhao Jin Tao says:

    This is a wrong decision. Look at the example of Pakistan where he is killing millions by his aeroplanes, commandos, and also indirectly. Unlike him, Chinese leader of the People Hu Jintao has supported Pakistan and helped to build just peace in the region by helping to free oppressed Muslims of the subcontinent, and always been the all weather friend of Pakistan. Why was this Noble not awarded to the Chinese president? For Pakistan, this prize is a big insult and they must always remember their true friends who will always help them.

  22. Raj says:

    Mr Obama rocks. He is a role model for every citizen of the world. Now he has a bigger burden to come up to the expectations of the Nobel Committee.

  23. umair says:

    No he shouldnt have won. Its far too premature. There were other worthy people who have dedicated their lives to important causes.

  24. zaryab says:

    What did Obama do to deserve it ?

    With his tireless efforts he has atleast for now, capped the megalomaniac extreme right, neo-con movement started by Bush saying the words “Axis of Evil” in todays world.

    For all those who disagree with Nobel, just visualize for a moment; McCain/Palin in WH with Bush-Bible under their arms and Bush doctrine on their minds. Kill, kill and kill till all who disagree surrender and rule the world like no one has done before, a new colonial era; that rivals none from the past.

    I hope Obama can undo some of the damages done by the now in hiding Bush.

    He will deserve a few more, only if he can bring the world back to 1999. Keep in mind he has to roll up arrogance, follies, crimes and genocides of over 8 years. In 8 months he has been able to atleast do 5% of the roll-up.

  25. Jahiz says:

    This is a joke, there are so many deserving people out there.
    Edhi and the Edhi Foundation is one of such deserving people/organizations…
    The Peace Nobel is a complete joke and sadly too political!

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