Osama is Dead: You have to have your say

Osama is Dead: You have to have your say

Osama Bin Laden had become a house hold name post 9/11. He will also probably go down in history as the most popular “Most Wanted” personality of all times. Now that the tall and lanky, 60 something man carrying around a kidney dialysis machine in his old age is dead, will the World become a safer place?

Irrespective of who you are and where you’re from, this man has probably impacted your life in both subtle and obvious ways. The acts of this man and his followers have put Muslims around the World and especially in Pakistan, in a very precarious situation. There is no doubt about the fact that the death of Osama Bin Laden marks a significant achievement for the “War against terror”. However, the manner in which Osama has been killed and the place where he was finally discovered raises many awkward questions for Pakistan.

As long as Osama Bin Laden has been in the news, you’ve heard different stories about him, his motives, his sinister plans and what not. What are your thoughts on Osama bin Laden, his life, his death and the likely aftermath of all the events that have taken place leading up to his death. Has justice been delivered or has the World paid too heavy a price for the “Most Wanted” man of all times?


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248 Responses to “Osama is Dead: You have to have your say”

  1. Khan says:

    is this an end of Terrorism … OR another U-Turn ? God Bless Pakistan.

  2. Abdul Malik says:

    When will the Pakistani community search their own souls. Everything any non-muslim leader does is questioned and lots of conspiracy theories are put forward -after each major incident hundreds of so called experts somehow come out on surface stating why and how what appears is just a drama and the truth is exactly as they portray in their localPakistani media. Even this morning after US govt had made clear announcement, some pakistani channels showing the deadbody of the killed Osama, there were spokes man on ARY tv stating this is just a made up thing and real Osama was still alive…. that this is done by Obama to win election, that this is all drama to please american people etc etc etc every single time after every major international event on this front…..Ask all Pakistanis to eachother, how come someone build a large house then build 18 feet high walls and some barbed wires on top – and nobody from govt office/ police/ISI/ Pak Military or neighbours bother to find out who lives in this house with no telephone connection, no garbage taken out ever, who is paying for the water and electricity in the house and if he is a common man of Pakistan why does he build such fencing. Pakistan is loosing credibility FAST.

    • MikeIn NYC says:

      Respectfully, I disagree that this was done so that Obama could win an election. The price of gasoline in the three months prior to the US election will have far more to do with Obama’s chances than the soon to be forgotten death of Osama bin Laden. The survival of Mr. bin Laden made it difficult for the US military to withdraw from Afghanistan without the President seeming to lose the war to the terrorists, since finding him was the original reason they were put there. Of course, Mr. bin Laden’s death or survival will have no or little measurableeffect on the ‘War on Terror’, but that is not the point.

    • future scholar says:

      i agree with you completely. very well said.

  3. HK says:

    It establishes once again that Pakistan is safe heaven for teorrirsts. It was intrestting to know he was found in city with such a huge military presence. Pakistanis were carrying him in his pocket all these years.

  4. Kamran Khan Fridi says:

    Osama is dead for sure but did he die on Sunday or was he declared dead that day is a question that will perhaps never be answered. The timing is too good to be true just two months before the troops withdrawal date. This guy harmed Islam like no other in recent times and made it sound like a religion of hatred and murder making people in the West hate Islam instead of exploring it’s positive attributes and contributions in development of justice. His brand taught young people and children’s to become suicide bombers and explored and mastered the phsychology of making a young person become a suicide bomber. He was directly responsible for providing America grounds to capture Afghanistan and Iraq. The fool considered few tactical victories as strategic gains and created a larger than life myth around his persona depicting himself as a great warrior while in reality he was just a son of a rich man with an over blown ego and lots of money. If he was in fact killed in the place as being reported, the place he reportedly lived for 6 years, then he was just a coward who choose to live in a luxury villa with a young wife fathering ever more children, instead of fighting it out in the mountains as he had fooled the poor pushtton to do in his name. Shame on you Osama many lost their parents and children in the evil you sowed and most of them were Muslims. The God gphas eventually revealed your fake hood.

  5. Raj TOO says:

    The bottom line is Kiyani and ISI were sheltering Osama bin Laden the whole time!

    • Dr. Jaswinder Sandhu says:

      Osama-bin-Laden was the single person who has reduced the Muslims of the world to be the outsiders in all the major communities. People all around the world have started hating Muslims because of him. He did nothing for the Muslims and worked or played for the Bush’s of USA. Whoever aided him is also the enemy of all Muslims. My Muslim friends are happy that he is dead, but they are afraid to say that publically.

  6. prapa says:

    It escapes me. Why is 9/11 an act of terrorism & not US wars ?

    • shalabh mishra says:

      because smarter guys are either on your eastern borders or in the west :)

  7. John Civillo says:

    This is a commendable “achievement”. I hope US Administration now will bring his corpse to NY and allow the people to see at ground zero and get thrilled. That will be the poetic justice that Osama can receive from Obama! This will be a very easy task to do since his corpse is under US custody and a dead body will never shoot!. If America fails to do so, that will definitely raise a lot of questions about the veracity of this claim especially in the background of Obama’s promise to bringback the troops from Afghanistan by coming June. American administration is in dire need of such a news at this juncture. Otherwise, all Americans will ask a question as to why they did war for the last 10 years in Afghanistan? Wasn’t it to capture Bin Laden dead or alive??? Obama seems to have “achieved” this goal before two months of troops withdrawal. Now I would like to invite all to NY at Ground Zero to “celebrate” this achievement!!

  8. mahmood says:

    Now Pakistan can kiss its Nukes good bye! The US doesn’t need Pakistan anymore. They can attack anyone, any target, anytime, anywhere in Pakistan without any resistence!!! So close to the capital and not a bleat from any Pakistani official how this was possible is mind boggling! Pakistanis must be feeling very insecure now. Israelis and Indians must be salivating too!

  9. Hassan says:

    Oooh. Does he really exist….. Drama got a beautiful turn here. Why unlike others he was thrown into the water so early……

  10. guarddda says:

    From Guardian
    then again, Adolf Eichmann lived for a decade in Buenos Aires and Hermine Braunsteiner lived in New York. How long did it take the US to catch the Unabomber, hidden in Montana?

    Sometimes hiding in plain sight is the best tactic. Massive walled compounds are not uncommon in Pakistan. They usually belong to dodgy generals and businessmen. I doubt bin Laden was pottering about the streets. Plus, there was no phone line, and the US is massively reliant on wire-taps to catch people.

    The US must have tipped off the Pakistanis about something, because otherwise the many Pakistani soldiers stationed in Abbottabad might have started shooting at the American special forces. Plus, the Pakistanis usually deny involvement in e.g. US drone raids, even when they’ve assisted.

    No need for conspiracy theories quite yet.

  11. Kamran says:

    I was shocked to see that the standard of journalism is so low in Pakistan that an unattributed “faked and posted on the internet” picture of a dead Osama Bin Laden was being shown by all the big so-called authentic newsmedia channels on TV. Even a cursory examination of the picture being shown on the news channels shows that 1. the hand holding the body on the right is in focus while the beard is NOT in focus, and 2. That the supposedly-dead face has an expression caused by the contraction of muscles around the mouth. For this picture to be real it would have had to been released by US military authorities and so far no pictures have been officially released. Even pictures of Saddam Hussein’s capture and the images of the corpses of his sons were released in a very controlled manner by military authorities, apart from the obvious fakery (photoshopping) of this picture. Again, very disappointed in the lack of rigour in reporting and sensationalism of the Pakistani Newsmedia.

    • Ramesh says:

      Bro I fully agree with you… There is no more journalism (True sense) left in the world…

  12. mehran khattak says:

    i am happy over osam’s death. my concern is the way Americans have operated, and again the claim that American special forces have done the whole operation single handidly. while surely they were supported by Pakistan army as flying helicopters to the place, asking for black out from people would not have been possible, Americans jumping to take the whole credit would not go down well in Pakistani public. they should have been more diplomatic on that front, an increasingly arrogant America is creating more enemies in the region.

  13. Alam N. says:

    A military operation by US special forces near Pakistan Military Academy Kakul without the knowledge of Pakistan government ? Speaks volume of sovereignty of the nation. After all the statements by successive regimes that Osama was not in Pakistan, Americans smashed an egg on Pakistan’s face. Now country should brace for more terrorist attacks.

  14. Pekhawaray says:

    as a Pakistani and as a student in the US, I feel ashamed of my country’s military and other relevant institutions. it is shameful that world most wanted terrorist was found in an area where military has large presence. I find it hard to convince myself that our intelligence agencies were not hiding this mass murderer. if we have to have some future not to speak of respect in the world community, we should question the influential people who are running the country, whether behind the scene or in public.
    I don’t know what to say when I go to my university tomorrow. I feel very very ashamed.

    • Kamran Khan Fridi says:

      It is now a standard practice for Pakistanis who go abroad to start feeling ashamed of being Pakistani. They should be ashamed for feeling ashamed.

    • a krishnan says:

      you shouldnt feel ashamed. people like you should be a part of cleansing operation and reclaiming the your own country.

    • Raza says:

      Seriously? I’m not saying Pakistan is a bundle of roses…far from it…but do not be so quick to be ashamed in front of a nation who sets up dictators, lies and cheats on a daily basis in a bid for more power. Who do you think is behind the ‘influential people who are running the country’? Why are you so ready to believe everything you hear in the media to be true?
      and as far as ‘respect’ in the world community is concerned, it has nothing to do with honorable actions…it relates to how much power you wield…pure and simple…and because we are but minnows…we will hang our heads in shame as you will readily do so

      • Penobscot says:

        How dare you say all you Pakistanis are minnows? You are not Minnows! The citizens of Pakistan are men and women. Your homeland has been a crossroads of civilization for many thousands of years. It is by your labor, more than anything else, that your government stays in power. You have a right to good governance, to speak your minds in safety, and to practice your beliefs in your own way. Wake up, get up, stand up for your rights! Stand up for yourselves and your families and your children.

        The Tunisians and Egyptians have shown you the way. If you want to buy your freedom from tyranny in your own land, you will have to pay in peaceful public dissent and in blood, and do it in your own land. That is just how it is. No one else can do it for you. People throughout the Arab world are demonstrating, and bleeding, and dying, all for freedom in their own countries right now. If they persist, they will succeed.

        In Egypt, a woman fully covered in an abaya rescued the woman journalist who was being raped by Mubarak supporters. Moral courage comes in all kinds of colors and in all kinds of dress. That nameless woman gathered the abused journalist into her arms, and stood up for what she knew was right, and so did the women around her. They saved that journalist’s life. In the West, most people would dismiss a woman dressed like that as “downtrodden and powerless”. But wearing an abaya doesn’t make that woman a minnow. She is a hero, a lioness. You can be a hero, too.

        Look around you for injustice, abuse, corruption; then simply refuse to be silent about it. Take the abused into your arms and protect them. Don’t worry about their religion, or race, or gender, or politics. Just do what is right.

        Quit blaming the West or the East or the North or the South for your problems. Those are just decoys set up by your corrupt masters to distract you and control you, to keep you busy. As long as you are looking outside of your country for things to blame and worry about, you will not be looking inside your country and figuring out what to do to right the wrongs you live with.

        Not all of us can be a Mohamed Bouaziz, who set the Arab world on fire when he set himself on fire. Not all of us have his incredible courage or his depth of despair. But we can all do something, wherever we live.

        Raza, not a single mentally and physically competent adult person on this planet is a minnow. You are not a minnow. You are clearly an intelligent person. You seem to be a decent person. There are countless more like you in Pakistan. Pekhawaray, you clearly have a good heart and a good mind. Any decent person in the US will see that, and understand your situation. But don’t be ashamed; be angry. Fill yourself full of moral strength and courage. Have compassion on Pakistan and start working towards the time when your beautiful country can have a Day of Anger of its own.

  15. Immad says:

    Osama has been killed and captured by Americans before too…. so this is not new… but the way the Americans operated in Pakistani territory, jamming our radars while they were here and burned everything down when they left and also to dispose of so-called osama’s body in the sea brings lots of suspicions…. its either that they already had osama’s possession and wanted to make a news somehow so they brought him here in Pakistan with him and created a scene and destroyed his corpse and all the evidence… or they must have realized that osama’a long dead and they just wanted to kill some guys and close the chapter…. in both the cases America will benefit and Pakistan will suffer a lot… its all because of our corrupt politicians who should be ashamed of building their votes in assembly when their country needs them the most…

  16. Raza says:

    t’s all a game…funny that no one questions the WMD debacle on which a whole damn war was based even tho its common fact now…but then history always was written by the victor.

    if this was done by someone not in control they wudve been branded as war criminals and put on trial…but these guys, they’ve got the good ol media spin…heck, they dont even need to sweep stuff under the carpet anymore…its more like ‘Karlo jo karna hay!’

    How is what they’re doing any different from the holocaust? By using words such as collateral damage instead of cold blooded murder they convert crime into a cold scientific mishap of some sort. If one of their soldier is killed, they interview his dog even on how he feels about about the tragic loss…the causalities on the other side? they’re just numbers ticking away.

    And now Osama being found and killed in Pakistan. Really, what difference does it make if they got Osama? Will this change anything whatsoever other than the fact that they can pressure Pakistan even more so now?

    They cudve found and killed Osama in Timbuktu if they wanted you know. And we wudve been like Oh Noes! Timbuktu was harboring terrorists??? and then the media spin on how Timbuktu is actually behind all this and within the year they wudve been invading…no sorry…’liberating’ Timbuktu with an operation labeled Operation ‘Awesome Freedomness!’ or the like.

    And the sad thing about all this? More than half of the world would actually believe that Tibuktu got what it deserved.

    • RM-India.... says:

      This is really worrying….
      Even Osama Bin Laden is not safe in Pakistan…..
      Shame on Pak military and ISI….
      Their 10 years efforts are in vain….
      Learn from India how to protect monsters like Kasab…

  17. Bharat says:

    Now – How many virgins ?

  18. Ishaq says:

    Who cares now , there are so many of Osama out there .

  19. Hassan says:

    Killing a scourge who had no shame in killing men, women or children of any nationality & religion is indeed a great victory. He preached a new religion that all who do not follow his thinking and take on religion, should be killed, Muslim or not did not matter. He maligned Islam in the world. Islam is a religion which preaches justice, equality and tolerance which he negated in defiance of Quran & Sunnah. Are we followers of Islam or the intolerant religion started by Osama?

  20. SHAN says:

    we are proud of our arm forces, well thats another issue that they dont know whats going on in there nebhour hood or are they busy collecting dollars…

  21. Bharat says:

    As always The ISI and the Pakistani army loses all credibility.

    Since these two organisations kept on claiming that Osama was never in Pakistan , it proves tghate they are both Inept or both devious.

    And they diddn’t even know what the Americans were doing before they killed him !

    • Usman says:

      Credibility of Americans was at stake during 9/11 incident. When these terrorists blasted their buildings regardless of all the security checks and everything. It has been happening and it will keep on happening until and unless you provide human rights beyond your own territory but in some cases you don’t have it even inside your boundary. Zero tolerance is the emerging issue that is prevailing in this world and its provoking radicalization so more and more Osama’s. Even if you killed one and buried in somewhere near the shores there are lot more to come.. just start counting ….

  22. raja says:

    Osama is a RAW agent!!!

    • Jai Hind says:

      and that is why he was being protected and given a royal treatment by ISI!!!! Isin’t it

  23. murassa sanaullah says:

    he was a man who changed lives of millions of people, he killed so many innocent and claimed that he was doing for Islam. this man only gave stength to thousands of terrorists who killed innocents and claimed they do such awful acts in the name of religion. this is a warning that evil is always destroyed.

  24. amir says:

    If there was a option to capture him alive, why was that not done? Who was afraid of osama getting caught alive?

  25. Mujahid says:

    Good precise operation. Well planned with minimum civilian casualties. When you kill a snake you need to go for the head. Nows the time to finish off other terrorists and free Pakistan.

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