Militant infighting: A new curse?

Militant infighting: A new curse? invites its readers to debate current affairs in this forum.

On Sunday, three workers of the Tehrik Nifaz-i-Shariat Muhammadi (TNSM) and one Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) militant were killed during an exchange of fire between the two sides in Mamond tehsil, Bajaur Agency.

The clash erupted after TTP men arrested the son of TNSM Bajaur chapter chief Dr Ismail Khan, who is a close aide of Maulana Sufi Muhammad, as well as 15 workers on Saturday night when they were coming back home after organising a TNSM public meeting. The Taliban are of the view that nobody outside their ranks can carry or display arms or hold public meetings. Therefore, the move was opposed by the TTP Bajaur leadership and termed a ‘lashkar kashi’ (attack) against them. Subsequently, the Taliban erected barricades on entry and exit points on various roads in Mamond region and searched passing vehicles.

In reaction, TNSM local leaders announced a public meeting – a show of strength – in the Maina area of Mamond. The situation turned violent when the two sides opened fire on each others’ positions.

Is militant infighting the new curse of the tribal and northern areas? Do you think a power play between different militant factions is imminent? How should government officials and residents of the tribal agencies contend with clashes between militant groups?


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99 Responses to “Militant infighting: A new curse?”

  1. Saf says:

    Kamran says:

    “they are surely non muslims funded by foreign lobbies.”

    See, Kamran, this is equally as wrong as Waris Khan. When clearly there are many extremist Muslims who believe and support this ideology. You don’t have to look far at the British Pakistanis who had caused havoc in England. I highly doubt they were RAW agents.

    This whole ‘foreign lobbies’ conspiracy thing…is a cop out and a reactionary denial, the same way we reacted in regards to the Mumbai killings (The saddest moment on TV was when a Pakistani reporter said there’s no proof before we can pass judgment, but in the very next sentence said it was obvious it was RAW!), continuously and ridiculously denying when the proof was adding up (speaking of which, what’s happened to the investigations and house arrests? Why no REAL arrests?).

    CIA/Mossad/RAW fantasies must stop…we are the biggest conspirators! The shady ISI has done more damage to the entire region than anyone else. There are too many reports, witness accounts and recorded incidents where there are known military and security traitors from our Pakistani forces who’ve aiding these militants!

    I remember when sectarian violence was going on in the 90’s, many misguided people, didn’t want to believe in the religious split and said they were told by a friend of a friend or a relative in the army or ISI that it was RAW that was behind this.

    That was BS! Every person with integrity and journalistic curiosity knew there were Wahabi/Salafi/Deobandi extremists being funded by the Saudis in the 80’s and 90’s.

    WE MUST STOP this Denial mentality! Half of reaching a solution is recognizing the problem.

  2. lilly says:

    Pakistani friends, I think you need another Gandhi, who can Educate the society and gives Courage, strength and Unity. Most of Pakistanis want change, but not know how to start and where to start and who will start. if someone starts, all others come to support. Don’t fear for your life, fight for the better future. Use TV,radio,Cell phones, Phones, news papers and any communication device, start raising questions to Political parties, Religious leaders, parliamentarians, what they are doing? What Army is doing? what ISI, IB, FIA are doing? How Taliban/Extremists are getting support? who are providing weapons? who are providing financial assistance. How they are able to manage their own radio? What and who are their Intelligence resources? Who are their Sympatisers? Why Govt. is released all well known terrorists?

    If you dither, it may be too late, they may be at your doorsteps Tomorrow. Wakeup today. Pakistan has only 2 options now. Either fight for the future or just live in dark ages. People have to wake-up and demand the government, army and Intelligence institutions to force to fight against those barbarians. People have to conduct seminars, road shows and rallies like the way they did and won for judicial system. Looks like sooner, they will occupy entire NWFP, if they are not resisted and destroyed now. Then later they may occupy entire Pakistan, if still they don’t see guts from the people, govt and its institutions.

  3. hn says:

    2009 is 1971 all over again. West Pakistan is further cut into two. This may be a good thing or a bad thing. A good thing if Taliban stays in their newly acquired nation and not come knocking to the now “east Pakistan”. But this is unlikely as they would want to bring Sharia to the entire Pakistan. Taliban are the children of ISI, the agency designed to save the country. ISI is also the reason the valley was given to the Taliban without a fight. Although I would hate to give him any credit, it looks like Mushraff wa the lone man standing against this.

  4. Tanveer says:

    The prevailing situation in Pakistan makes me think a number of questions. One being you media people can take interviews from these mullahs and cant point out the wrongs that these people are doing.

    In hangu blast 27 people lost their lives.27 families were destroyed and these Mullahs are taking credit for the destruction of the families and their homes?
    why can’t Media people do some programs some advertisements to show these people for what they are?
    why can’t you run a special tribute for soldiers and police men who lost their lives while defending their homeland ?why not?you have time and resources to take interviews from them but why not to run a show for our brave men?why ?

  5. Kamran Kaleem says:

    The threat imposed by Taliban is the direct result of destructive past policies. Musharraf sold out for peanuts to the US to perpetuate himself in power. He manipulated to bring religious parties in Baluchistan and NWFP. He could have easily gotten our colossal 35 billion debt paid off by the US and secured 10 to 15 billion dollars annual economic aid to eradicate poverty and promote education. Our greedy generals and corrupt politicians have let this beautiful country down. We do not see any leader with a vision for the future of Pakistan.The Parliament is full of feudals who are not interested in anything except protecting their selfish vested interests. Nizam e Adl in Swat is a curse which is spreading like a cancer. Women are the victims of tyranny and Pakistan is turning into a stronghold of wahbism of Saudi Arabia.We are sliding back into stone age. No Zardari, no Gilani, no Sharif, no Chaudhry has the courage or the vision to save the country from the impending disaster.

  6. Smokey says:

    I am praying for the people of Pakistan that God keeps you all safe from this horrible situation that has arisen in your country.

  7. Naveed Afridi says:

    The Taliban are not tribes. They are mainaly people recruited from Madrassas. They include people from other provinces of the country also.

    A mistake is to describe them, and their culture as identical to the Pushtun tribes. Their culture is quite different.

    The Taliban are a-historical and a-cultural with regards to Pakistan. They are raised in Madrasas, outside of normal social interactions. They are brutalized and indoctrinated with so-called religous teaching. They then go out and take over territories.

    The Taliban are not an indigenous uprsing. This is an operation that is carried out with military precision. These groups have funding, and are organized and directed by other hierarchically superior “religous extremist” groups. They also fuse with gangs who also provide monetory support in exchange for the freedom to loot and pillage.

    This movement is out to change the world order. Their leaders are educated, and live in Pakistan, but also in other countries. The Taliban are their foot soldiers.

    It is a mistake to make them into an excuse for an ethnic war.

    As Pakistan has broken down, it is sad that these extremists have moved in to take over, rather than Pakistani people themselves.

    Many in the tribal areas have tried to fight these groups and have lost, because the average person is not well trained in combat, and they are not provided any backing from the State.

    The mistake was allowing the MMA to rule NWFP when whatever opposition was disqualified earlier in the decade, the ambivalent approach to handling the Lal Masjid, and the misplaced support of religous groups in it’s aftermath were the turning point in a movement that started with Zia ul Haq.

  8. Ammad Ansari says:

    People of Pakistan, wake up and fight. The news headlines today are extremely alarming. These Terrorists are at the doorsteps of Islamabad while the authorities cant do anything. Wake up and fight for your rights.

  9. Pearl Molloy says:

    Reading some of the comments I cannot believe that people who have written consider themselves to be educated calling the Taleban freedom fighters. when I lived in Pakistan it used to be a free country, now it is just going back about thousands of years to the dark ages. Am I glad I left the country, you better believe it, do I miss Pakistan? I miss the Pakistan that I grew up in not the Pakistan that exist now. I feel sorry for the people left behind who want to leave and are unable to and have to live in a country with no freedom and no life or future, unless they like living in the dark ages.

  10. s khan says:

    I think the sitiuation in Sawat and Waziristan is extremely grave.This is actually threatening the integrity of the country.I am actually ashamed of being calling myself Pakistani as every single act of terrorism and backwardness is linked to Pakistan.Majority of innocent people in these areas wants Rule of Law to be established but Unfortunately as everything else this has been over looked by our Spineless Military and Political ellite for a short term gain.These millitants can not be trusted to establish peace as the only thing they will do is to regroup and gather their strenght and create blood bath again.For the last 60 years Pakistan Military has enjoyed unprecedented level of support by hook or crook from pakistani nation and when the nation has been taken by a bunch of bandits, the military ran away and left them to the mercy of these mercyless millitants. Its a shamfull act and I am ashamed of being calling it our army.How could it protect us from foreign threat?

  11. ahsan says:

    Mullah and military are the two faces of the same coin. We do not expect the miltary to suddenly have the courage, guts and morality to secure our life liberty and property. Every one should arm to the teeth and kill the dogs when they come howling

  12. M.Nasrullah Khan says:

    Actual Taliban thought that they are born to fight.They not even know the meanings of Islam and peace.These are fighting tribes.They thought there survival is only in fighting.Some time they fight with others some time with each others.
    In a recent statement Taliban leader Muslim Khan has openly given invitation to all the world fighters (Terrorists) including al-Qaida, to come to Sawat to fight USA.
    This statement is providing justification for the Drone attacks in Fata. If the Taliban inviting all the terrorists of the world to unite here to fight USA then this provide justification for Pakistan Army to crush these elements with the help of all the world including USA and Nato.
    Now the world should give financial and military support and latest weapons to fight against the international terrorists uniting in Sawat on invitation of Taliban.
    This statement clearly showing that Taliban want to make Swat and Fatta the new battle field. Taliban have no interest in peace. They only want to fight to conquer, the entire world. Now it is the duty of the entire world to defeat the enemies of peace. The all world should give a full support to the democratic government of Pakistan to crush these enemies of democracy and peace.

  13. Afaque says:

    Asmat Jamal says:

    “The British Imperials left us (Pashtuns) with good infra structure, education system, electricity, jobs and a tolerant society. After independence the naive leadership and greedy establishment replaced our schools with Madarissas, took pen from our children and gave then a kalashankof,threw us in every war from Afghanistan to Kashmir, sold our blood for dollars and it still continues.”

    What? are you just born?

    British fought in this region throughout their 90 years of Indian occupation. Open up a history book and search for Syed Ahmad Shaheed, and Faqir Ipi.

  14. kamran says:

    i wish waris khan can himself see the horrors of so called muslims talibans in the name of islam. they are surely non muslims funded by foreign lobbies.

  15. Ravi says:

    Dear Pakistani brothers,

    You all need to wake up now to remove Taliban militancy and avoid imminent threat to Pakistan and its people. Militancy is a poison and is a curse for common man. It will consume kids, younger generation and put them in terrorism. Though i am an Indian and i am gravely concerned about what is happening in Pakistan. I am not sure if politicians are going to address it as they are looking after their own interests. There should be public awakening to fight for your independence and freedom. This is second fight for Freedom of Pakistan.

    Hope peace prevails sooner!

  16. Cristine Smith says:

    Let them fight to the extent that both becomes too weak

  17. Mrityunjay Tripathi says:

    Well said Mr. Adam Khan and Asad and others offcourse!!,
    I am a Hindu from India and I haven’t read a word of The Holy Quran. But with use of very little commonsense I can say that a holy book of such a widely followed religion cannot literally preach violence. Since hundreds of years this book has been read and followed but nobody other than these zealots intepreted it in that sense. Now for the beard part (adamkhan).. I want to say ‘let the shortest beard win’.

  18. Ashraf Malik says:

    Regardless of whether this is good or bad, this is a sign that the Pakistani army is irrelevant to them.

    So far they were united against it and against the Americans. Well, the Americans cannot cross the border so our army was trying to keep them in check. Now they can see that we can do nothing – Nuclear weapons or not.

  19. Ahsan Rizvi says:

    Action speaks louder than words, so this is not the time that we only curse taliban and their allied group we should stand up aganist them and fight with them because if they can kill innocent peoples of pakistan than we can do the same to them if they can harm us , so can we , i mean it should be tit for tat, we cant sit at home and rely on the army who has intentionally failed to stopped them from taking control of the areas and infact seem to be supporting them. i dont know about the strategy of Pak army but we should not allow this menace of talibinsation to spread. i think it’s the high time for all the political parties to get together irrespective of the fact what language these terrorists speak , whether they are pathans, mohajirs, punjabi , sindi or anyone else we all have to get united to fight them and save our country from these barbaric peoples.

  20. Proud Pakistanis says:

    Assalam Alaikum
    Guys rather than playing a blame game we should look at ourselves first. Asmat Jamal you said the establishment did this and they did that. My question is that, are the pathans stupid? They can’t make their own decision? If I try to give you a klashankov are you going to start killing the innocent, yea unless you are dumb enough to do that. Instead of raising fingers on your own countrymen, you have to understand the outside influence in Pakistan. For example, who is providing Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan financial assistance, and who is helping Balochistan Liberation Army. My dear brother foreign agencies have significant influence in our nation. More than India, Israel is our biggest threat. Listen we yell and accuse each other, and that is what they want. If you want to fix anything, fix your relationship with your brothers. We need to join together and fight this menace as one, not divided. Than we start blaming the leadership, but who created that leadership you and me, where are those leaders from, from you and me. Prophet Mohammad PBUH said “leaders are an image of their people.” First we need to eliminate this Pathan, Punjabi, Sindhi, Balochi and Urdu Speaking talk and represent Islam and Pakistan only. We need to get out of this stupid race and language barrier. Listen and understand what Sir Allama Iqbal is saying in his Poem, ” Tu Shaheen hai, basaira kar, paharoon ki chattanon per.” You are a Muslim free your self from race and language issues and expand your horizans. Don’t give in and certainly don’t give up. Keep your spirits high and learn and follow the guidance given to us by Allah Subahatallah and we will succeed. May Allah bless all the Muslims every where in the world, and guide us to the right path.

  21. Dinesh Sharma says:

    So the opinion remains divided! Some are calling Taliban ‘true Muslims’ but others call them militants.

    If you think this bunch is ‘true Muslims’ help them resolve their difference, let them consolidate their power and through the government/Army out of business. Let them rule Pakistan!

    But in case you think these elements are harmful for Pakistan, enjoy this infighting & make sure it increases. May be survival of Pakistan depends on this infighting as Army has already surrendered to these mindless bunch.

  22. Larry Stout says:

    I’m amazed by those people who post comments seeming to advocate tolerance of the Taliban under some “live and let live” idea of Pakistani pluralism. There is no better paradigm for intolerance than the Taliban, who obviously do not “let live”, and who regularly attack pluralism in any form. As they say on the streets here, “Get real!” Antipathy towards the U.S. is no excuse for capitulation to home-grown barbarians.

  23. khan says:

    At least the terrorist show more guts than the Pak army, govt. to fight to keep its own land.

  24. mia says:

    Infighting within militants is a good news to Pakistan.It is not a curse.But Pakistan govt. ,army,ISI should take advantage of it to quell the militancy.It should not be thought as loss of assets to be used to achieve “strategic depth “

  25. Smart Muslim says:

    I disagree with views of Maqbool Hussain and An Atheist.
    1) Sufi Mohammed is only exercising his Fundamental rights, why is it wrong to oppose government or to even oppose court if you truly belive that you are right.
    2) Ofcourse Sufi has determination and courage to stand up against a totally corrupt and senseless governement, which does not value islamic beliefs and he is not against army, rather with support from army he can unite the country and free from all forms of corruption.
    3) Remember during Holy era, it was prophet who reformed infidels and uniformed the order, today when we dont have believers and lack order we need some one to dirty hands and purity system which is what Sufi mohammed is doing in this century.
    4) Fighting among militants is bad, remember we have used them against Soviets and in Kashmir, how can we let these strategic assets of country get destroyed, We need power, country needs power and only with pure thoughts can we emerge victorious on the lands of infidels.
    5) Unity is the need of hour for the glory of islam. Kick out americans and infidels of our soil and accept islam, Sufi will be our aaka and khalifa of Pakistan, this is the ultimate vision of Pakistan army, the founding father of nation and any average pakistani. on Facebook on Facebook
